The Enterprise

417 21 1

Captain Kirk's POV

"What do you mean, we should leave him there?" I shouted at Spock.

The Vulcan thought that we should leave Khan on Earth, even after we forced his memories back into his head. That was never the plan. We were supposed to bring him back, but now that idiot Vulcan was trying to convince me to leave him there.

"I just believe that maybe leaving him there will be better punishment than bringing him home. This was not supposed to happen the way it happened. But now leaving him would be better punishment than bringing him back." Spock said in monotone.

"You are an idiot, Spock."

"I am simply saying that he is in pain as it is. The man tried to take his own life. I do not doubt he will try it again. I simply believe that he is already in a lot of pain. Bringing him here would not be making it worse. It may relieve the pain to an extent, and I remember that relieving the pain of a vicious criminal is not what we set out to do."

"You realize that we can't just sit here in space watching him like pedophiles while we have things that need done. You do remember that we have jobs, right?"

"Captain, we have no urgent matters to attend to at the moment."

"I don't care. I think we can get to the real business now. I think we can do the classic form of torture now, Spock. He won't fight back. He doesn't exactly appear to have much of a will to live."

"He heals as quickly as he is hurt, Captain."

"Then we'll have Bones zap his power, you idiot. We found a way."

"Then take his power. Just leave him."

"You know what."


"I think you just want to see how it plays out."

"Excuse me, Captain?"

"I think you're wanting to see what happens with Suzie and stuff. If she takes him back."

"I... I do not!"

"Yes you do."

"Captain, your assumption is highly illogical. I have no interest in someone else's romantic life. I love Nyota, but even she cannot deny that I have little interest in my own!"

"Oh come on, Vulcan. You're interested. I know that you're a sucker for a good love story. You're the only Vulcan to have a legit relationship. Your human is showing. You totally love watching this, no matter how screwed up it is."


I laughed, patting my friend on the shoulder before walking off, shaking my head. I wasn't angry anymore, and I supposed that leaving him on Earth wouldn't do any harm. We weren't on a mission and there weren't any unknown planets in our general vicinity to explore, so I supposed that leaving him there wasn't a big deal.

"We'll leave him. For now. But the second this plays out, we're bringing him back."

I walked off, back to the room that held the monitors that projected Khan. I slid into the seat in front of it, staring at him. Dear God, he was a mess. His hair was a mess and he looked sick. His face was gaunt and pale and sunken in. His skin looked paler than usual. His hair was pulled in every direction. And his hand was curled tightly around a gun.

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