Jail Time

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Then came the handcuffs. I wasn’t sure why they were binding me in these contraptions, but I did know that I had the strong desire to object, though I knew that I needed to cooperate and then there was a possibility that I’d be able to silver-tongue my way out of this mess. I guess the humans were not nearly as advanced as I’d thought, but then again, I didn’t know what year it was. By the time I reached my cell, I’d determined that I was not from Earth and that I was not from this time. I knew that I was more advanced than them, even without my memory, but I wasn’t quite sure how to get myself out of this.

            Four officers, the three I’d seen before along with a new one, trudged me down a small hallway and I instantly felt familiarity, like I’d been here, doing this, before. In a split moment, I could see it all so clearly again, just like the first time. I was being trudged down a white-walled hallway, standing in the center of five different men. They all wore the same strange shirt, a red, long sleeved shirt with a strange silver insignia on the chest. I gasped for a moment as I found myself being hurtled back to where I really was, and then shook it off so the officers couldn’t sense that anything was wrong. If they sensed something was wrong, I’d be questioned even further, and I decided that keeping a poker face was probably my best option, and probably one of the only options that would get me out of this alive. I just hoped that it was enough to get me out of this jailhouse. I wanted to figure things out on my own. I wanted help, not to be held captive. I wanted to figure out who I was, where I was from, what I’d done…

            I wanted to know what that silver insignia was.

Were they friends or were they enemies? Judging by the fact that they were most likely marching me to a cell for me to be held, I simply assumed that they were most likely nothing but the enemy. I just wanted to know what it was for. Had I been a soldier and I was a prisoner of war and these people were apart of the army that I was up against? Had I been wrongly accused of a crime that I didn’t commit and they were holding me there for that? Had some sort of elite organization kidnapped me and was holding me hostage for knowing too much? Had some evil criminal mastermind taken me hostage for something in return?

Had I committed some sort of crime?

I didn’t want to think that way, because I didn’t feel like I could’ve been the type of person to do such evil thing. Sure, I didn’t like these people much, and sure, I didn’t want to be here, but was I really a criminal? Was I really a villain? I shook off the thought, knowing that I shouldn’t think that way and that it probably wasn’t true. I couldn’t be evil, could I? I turned my focus away from my thoughts and continued to march down this hallway, following the officers who were destined to lock me away until I could lie and silver-tongue my way out of this mess. It was my instinct. It was what needed to be done.

            I trudged down the hallway and then the four officers tossed me into a dingy old cell, slamming the barred door behind me as I stumbled inside. I was still bound by chains and I muttered beneath my breath some strong words for those officers. I could already tell that there were probably very few people that I liked. I sat down on a small, dirty, metal bench. I had a feeling that I’d been in a situation similar before, but I had no idea why and no glimpses of past came to me.

            I looked down at myself, remembering that I was still covered in blood and cuts and gashes that needed to be cleaned up. I turned and looked through the barred door, finding a very bored-looking officer standing there. It was a woman, probably in her mid-forties. She had black skin and she was somewhat short. I could see that she had frown lines and stress lines, suggesting that she was also a mother. She was a large, busty woman with enormous round hips and equally large, red lips. Her curly hair strung everywhere are she stared down at some sort of electronic device, one I finally recognized as a cell phone, a really old one that I’d not seen before.

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