Playing Vulcan and Headaches

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I watched jealously as Suzie ran away from me and towards her husband, leaping into his arms as he kissed her. I knew that my jealousy was wrong, but I couldn’t help but seethe with bitterness as the two kissed passionately. I couldn’t help but think that I should’ve been the one kissing her like that, holding her in her time of need. Where had he been when she needed him most? He certainly hadn’t been there a few moments ago when she was sobbing over her job and talking about how much she missed him…

I shook away the thoughts, knowing that I shouldn’t be thinking that way. It was wrong to think like that, especially knowing that Steven had been defending his country by sacrificing time with Suzie. I sighed and forced back my jealousy, suppressing my feelings to the best of my ability. I forced myself to tear my eyes away from the two as they passionately kissed in front of me, not even noticing my presence, not even the slightest.

I sat back down on my couch, picking my book back up and beginning it again, starting it at some random point because I didn’t care anymore. I just needed something to get my mind off of the two, since they obviously weren’t going to stop sucking faces any time soon. I picked up my book and struggled to ignore them because I knew that I’d go mad if I continued to watch.

I forced my gaze to my book, but the words blurred before my eyes. I couldn’t focus as I seethed with jealousy and bitterness, wishing desperately that Suzie was mine. I regretted pushing her away when she tried to kiss me only moments earlier, because maybe if I’d let her then she’d realize how much I liked her. Maybe then she wouldn’t need her husband and I could take his place… But that was wrong, I knew that it was. I was just going to have to deal with it. I turned to the book, my vision clearing up, and I read.

“O very well,” said Thorin. “Long ago in my grandfather Thror’s time our family was driven out of the far North, and came back with all their wealth and their tools to this Mountain on the map. It had been discovered by my far ancestor, Thrain the Old, but now they minded and they tunneled and they made huger halls and greater workshops- and in addition I believe they found a good deal of gold and a great many jewels too. Anyway they grew immensely rich and famous and my grandfather was the King under the Mountain again, and treated with great reverence by the mortal men, who lived to the South, and were gradually spreading up the Running River as far as the valley overshadowed by the Mountain…”

I read the familiar passage quickly, reading it over until I heard the couple stop, laughing and smiling and hugging still. I looked up and put down my book, sighing, deciding that I could no longer ignore their presence as well as they were ignoring mine. I watched as Suzie buried her face into her husband’s neck and he gently kissed her shoulder, his arms wrapped tightly around her. This was the happiest I’d ever seen her and I found myself jealous once again, though I forced myself not to let it show.

“Oh, I’ve missed you so much.” Steven whispered loudly enough for me to hear.

“I’ve missed you more.” Suzie replied with just a bit of a chuckle.

“I love you, Suzie… I’m so sorry I didn’t write, I got busy… And I wanted to surprise you.”

“It’s okay, it’s okay…”

Steven pulled away from Suzie and I just stood there and watched them as they stared into each other’s eyes, smiling brightly at each other. I just stared in suppressed jealousy, feeling awkward and out of place. I looked down at my book, but I couldn’t read it, finding myself far too distracted. I groaned silently and closed the book, placing it on a small table that stood beside the couch. I just sat and watched as they embraced, holding each other tightly, holding on like there was nothing in the world that could ever be strong enough to pull them apart.

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