I ran my hands through my hair and my body broke down and so did I, clutching my arms around my legs as I rocked crying.

My life had turned into complete shit in the past two weeks and this was the most down I'd ever been.

I thought about drinking but that'd probably just make me even sadder. I thought of smoking but no amount of weed or alcohol was gonna change my current problems.

I wiped my face and did something I hadn't done in a while now, which was pray.

I spoke out loud and prayed until I could get up on my own, and had convinced myself that everything was gonna work out, and went out to my car.

I figured, I'd force myself to eat something cause I rarely ate, unless Cali or Devin brung me something. I just hadn't had the appetite.

Panera's drive thru line was almost wrapped around the building cause they took so long. I drove around looking for a space.

I spotted one and as I was approaching it a red Range Rover zoomed into it. The car next to it was pulling out so I took that space and as soon as I heard a familiar voice, my head shot up.

"You look terrible." she snickered. "Look familiar?" Sydney asked flickering the lights to the red Range Rover.

"Shut up before you're sitting on flats." I snarled.

"Oo, I can see the steam coming from your head." she giggled.

"Bitch why can't you just leave me alone? You got what you wanted. We're done and your bored ass is still messing with me."

"Because it's fun. I know a great mask for those dark circles by the way. I know it's hard sleeping without him, but don't worry, I've kept him company."

"Do what you've been doing since you've met me... suck my dick." I rolled my eyes, walking away.

She'd somehow caught up to me and made sure she bumped my shoulder, walking past me and finally having enough, I grabbed her by her shirt to pull her back.

She turned around and slapped me and one of my fist landed on her jaw before the other hit her cheek.

She had caught a hold of my hair and the punches she was throwing were only landing on my head, while mine were hitting her face from every angle I could.

I grabbed her shirt and stepped back, and swung her to the ground and didn't stop until I felt someone pulling me off of her and sirens.

I calmed down as I was being handcuffed and told my Miranda rights and Sydney was done the same before we were put in the back of two separate squad cars.

"Wow." he slightly chuckled after I told him everything that happened today after he picked me up from the police station.

"Wow is right," I sighed. "I don't know what to do."

"Well... you can stay with me until you get back on your feet." Devin smiled, grabbing my hand.

"Thanks, but being up under a nigga is what got me here in the first place

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"Thanks, but being up under a nigga is what got me here in the first place."

"I know," he laughed. "but just know I got you."

He squeezed my hand and I gave him a smile.

| Omniscient |

(Author's Note: two separate scenes are gone be going on. One with Chase, one with Quavo, but the conversations are happening at the same time while they're in two separate places. Please don't get confused 😭 back to the story)

"And this is my cousin Devin." Metro introduced Quavo as Devin came back in.

"My bad man, I had to take Chase somewhere and take her home." Devin told Metro why he'd left earlier.

Quavo's face turned up, catching on that he was Chase's ex, Devin who she'd told him about and assumed they were fuckin with each other again since him and her were over and had been for going on a month now.

"I don't know. I just wish things ended differently than they did. I wish we didn't end at all." Chase mumbled the last sentence as she sat with Cali in Cali's living room.

"I know, but everything happens for a reason. Maybe this is a chance for you and Devin to work things out." Cali suggested. "I mean he has been there for you, through all of this. I think he really grew up."

"Yo! What the fuck is wrong wit you two?" Metro looked between Qua and Devin.

Quavo thought he was tryna rub Chase in his face, so he started yapping off at the mouth and Devin wasn't going for it.

"You left her, stop acting like you really give a fuck." Devin shook his head.

"Yo ass couldn't wait til we broke up." Qua chuckled. "So now that we over, you tryna see if y'all can work shit out."

"I honestly don't think me and Devin should work things out."

"Why?" Cali looked at her confused.

"That wouldn't happen no way."

"And why is that?" Qua looked him up and down.

"Because I'm-"

"She's pregnant." Devin told him.

Did y'all understand? If not I'll rewrite it

This chapter drained me 😫that's the last omniscient scene for a while

Hope y'all were surprised & thanks for reading❤️

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