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~ Chase ~

I sat in the dead silence, staring at the bedspread that was ruffled due to my legs being under it.

It felt like my life was spiraling down, between me and Quavo breaking up, and blogs and media finding out all of our business and publishing it for everyone to see.

I wasn't just heartbroken, I was flat out embarrassed and felt miserable. And it didn't help that him and 'Vaydius made a song together, that people were calling, this generation's version of Same Girl.

I thought about going to his place to try and get him to talk but I was sure he wasn't tryna hear it.

I wanted to smash his windows or something for him humiliating me, but that made no sense when I'm the one in the wrong.

I sighed, wiping my tear stained face, and reached for my phone to see what day it was.

It was July 9th. Exactly two weeks since the whole incident.

"Shit," I mumbled, realizing what day it was.

I started to get ready because I knew I should've been at the school to get ready for the upcoming semester.

I pulled into the only space left in front of the school and got out. Walking into the building, I said some hellos to the other teachers and went into the front office to retrieve the key to my classroom.

"Ms. Carter, may I speak to you in my office?" Principal Brockman said.

"Yes ma'am?" I smiled, following right behind her.

She sat in her chair behind the big cherrywood desk and I sat in one of the two chairs in front of it.

"Ms. Carter," she sighed, rubbing her temples and my brows furrowed.

"Did I do something?"

"Yes, unfortunately you did. You know our no bad publicity policy Ms. Carter. You having relations with a student's father is completely unacceptable and we had to dip into the school's money to pay multiple media sources to make sure the school's name wasn't published along with yours. I'm sorry, but we have to let you go."

My mouth dropped, but I knew it was no use in trying to explain, the decision was set in stone, and it was my fault for going against the policy in the first place.

None of this would be happening if I'd just kept my legs closed and now I had to face the consequences.

I gathered my purse and stood up to leave without saying a word and went back to my car with my head down, trying to keep from crying cause that's all I'd been doing the past two weeks.

"Hey Ms. Carter." my landlord greeted as I walked to the elevator.

"Hi," I waved, pushing the button and from the corner of my eye, I saw him walking up to me.

"I need this month's rent exactly on the 15th. I know last month, you were late and if you're late again, I'm gonna have to ask you to move out."

I nodded so he'd walk away and the bell dinged before the elevator opened and I walked inside and went up to my apartment.

I sighed, going into my laundry room where I kept cardboard boxes and angrily threw stuff in them beginning to pack.

Considering I just became unemployed, why waste money, paying rent if I wouldn't be able to pay it next month, and my car note was due on the 15th as well.

Same Girl (Quavo love story)Where stories live. Discover now