Monday 2:30 a.m

21 2 0

I don't care I need to go to Putin's mansion NOW!!! Trump yelled. But why Mr trump? It doesn't matter now go get the pilot and tell him it's going to be a long flight. Ok sir. Pence  said. Rise and shine pilot it's gonna be a long day!! Pence shouted. Huh what? The pilot said in a daze. Wake up pilot your going to Russia!!Pence yelled. Okay sir. But why? The pilot asked. Trump hasn't said anything but It sounds like it's important. Pence explained. Ok. The pilot said confused.
One hour later

"This is your Captain speaking currently it is  3:30 am, tonights flight is going to be mostly smooth flight from D.C. to Russia it's going to take approximately 11 hours
So sit back relax and enjoy the flight". The pilot announced. Ahhhh Mr trump said to himself. I will say although Air Force One needs more gold plating it'll do for now. I n agree Mr. Trump. Pence told him.  Ok trump I'm going to bed. Okay mike good night. * pence goes to room*

Trumps POV

*looks at Texts*  Hey putie Baby im on my way to your place be there  tonight. Ok are you ready for tonight? Putin replied. Obviously trump replies with a picture of his hard cock.
Nice dick putin replies. The phone suddenly vibrates the phone reading "putin would like to face time. Trump answers. Hey putie. Trump said lustfully. Hey trump. Suddenly the camera pans down to Putin's hard cock. *Trump starts to jerk off and soon putin start to jerk off*. Trump and putin both cummed on to their gold plated iPhone x getting cum on the camera and turning the phone white. Well I gotta go trump said yawning. Bye. Goodnight they both said.

Tune in for next time in putin x trump fan fictions (which I'll publish the on the same night) . Bye


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