Chapter 3

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        Krista was sitting on Candy's coach since the night she stayed made her feel uneasy from the person that might be following her. She has not told Candy of Jessica about it to sense it they would think she was losing it then she would not want her friends to think it's because of Raph.
        So as she looked at Candy as she was making them breakfast as Krista was not feeling too hungry for human food. So Krista was then getting up as she went to a window and looked out at the night's moonlight.
    Her hands were crossed as she looked up seeing the moon as it looked the same like the other nights. 'What am I doing...'
   Krista closed her eyes as she then signed then opened them seeing the person there again with its face still hiding. She gasped a little but soon turned around and headed for the door to leave. " Krista where are you going?"
      As Candy asked that as Krista just kept going as she went down the stairs then to the exit as she then saw the person standing there. She breathed a little hard as she watched it waiting for it to probably take her somewhere or to do something.
     Krista felt as if knowing this person as she watched it just still standing right there as she felt her anger build up. " What do you want from me!"
     It said nothing as it then started to walk off. " Hey!"
     Krista started to him as she ran trying to catch up but once it turned she quickly turned too but once she did it was gone again. She looked around not seeing it at all as she breathed hard from the running. " Darn it!"
    " Hey watch it!" Krista heard from the grounds cars as she saw something getting out of the road as the one yelling was the driver grunting know mad.
    Krista started to hear another thing as if her hearing was increasing so she then put her hands on her ears trying to close the noise out. Krista went to her knees as she all of a sudden felt as if just turning into a vampire again.
    She breathed harder and placed a hand down on the ground as her teeth felt soar while her eyes hurt as if getting stabbed. Krista wanted it all to stop so she yelled as hard as she could trying to stop this wired feeling again.
      As she stopped yelling she opened her eyes and slowly looked up still out of breath. But once she looked ahead if herself she saw a man walking her way.
    He had white short hair with a thin body figure as he looked at her with his red eyes. He was walking over to her as Krista stood up fast with wide eyes of fear. "No... you.... you were in a barrier!"
     The man chuckled and came over as he placed his cold ice hands on her chin as he brought her closer to him and whispered. " You think that could hold me forever?"
     Krista's eyes looked just straight ahead as her legs shaken scared at him to her since he has been hunting her down since he turned her into a vampire. " What do you want?"
     He licked her cheek and he spoke then lets her go as she saw someone coming over. " I want you."
     The man then just vanished as she stood there and fall on her knees then sat there on the sidewalk as her hands slowly got up. Her hands went to her face in horror and fear was all she showed sitting there while others came to check on her.
     Krista looked around as she tried to see to find or thing to help her as she caught sight of that thing again in that coat. It stood behind the crowd as she would just look at it. She could swear it was looking at her while she slowly got up not losing her eyes on it.
    She walked over to it slowly as her hand came out to it. " Help me... please...."
    Krista then closed her eyes and started to fall as it then caught her and looked at Krista's face as small tears came down. It stood up and started walking her to her friend's place as it carried her in its arms gently.
    It placed her down at the door and knocked on it as it then started leaving not leaving a note or anything as it then hid behind the hallways wall corner.
    The doors opened and it could hear a gasp and the girls talking as they got her in the place and closed the door. It let out a breath and looked down as it leaned it's back to the wall placing a hand on its head in the hoodie.
    " you did a good job." It heard the man that scared Krista say it. " You said you would talk to her... you didn't say you would scare her like that to where she would pass out Tristan..."
     He chuckled and stood by it. " you better keep your place. Or I will put you back where I found you turtle..."
     It said nothing as it looked back down and placed its hands on the coat and walked off not saying a word. But while it walked it kept remembering Krista's face as she looked at it and said making its heart hurt from her asking for help like that. " Hang on Krista... I promise you won't be alone for long soon..."
     It came out of the building and started down the streets not thinking about anything while the cars to the ground would drive by and the people would walk not paying any attention to their surroundings.

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