Chapter 1

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                1,000 years later

     Krista was on the edge if the building in her black shorts and black sports bra. She had an opened up long black coat on as it waved with the wind.
    This new New York City with the bright lights as flying cars flew passed over her head while Krista looked down to the ground of the city.
     Krista closed her eyes and leaned over the edge as she knows was falling down the building that was built three times its normal size. Krista did a flip slowly as she finally had her feet that was covered by black tall boots as her black coat was known flowing up with her hair as she fell down.
    Krista had her hands out and her legs bent a little as she soon saw the ground and the people and mutants walking around.
    Once to the ground, Krista landed gently down on her boots as she then slowly stood up and looked around fixing her coat then started to walk.
    No one cared about people falling off buildings and seeing mutants walking around sense none humans where discovered and accepted to the world. But sadly that law happened a long time ago when Krista's boyfriend Raphael left her and New York 500 years ago.
    Krista was sad when he left greaving for him leaving. Raphael left her to be alone and to teat Raphaels family's grave so no one or anything would destroy it.
    Krista was walking right into a bar as she saw her friends and waved. They where named Candy she has short blond hair barely touching her shoulders and Jessica as she had dark blue hair with long curling hair. They were her two best friends for almost 200 years since they too where vampires.
    Krista came over and smiled at them as she sat down and crossed her legs. " Krista, did you change your hair?"
    " Yeah, it looks... different..." As Jessica said that Krista smiled. " Yeah figured it was time for more of a change."
    Candy looked at Krista as she looked worried. " Is it that? Or because your boyfriend left and has not come back yet?"
    Krista got instantly mad as she sat up straight. " he is not coming back! We already talked about this and I have accepted it! If he wants to come back that's up to him but I'm not accepting with opened arms anymore!"
    " Krista we are just saying you don't have to get your ass up in a bunch because of your man... or yell at Candy for caring." Krista looked at Jessica then Candy as she sat back down since she stood up yelling. " Sorry Candy... I just don't want to talk about him..."
    Candy smiled and grabbed Krista's hand. " It's okay I should not have brought him up. But enough of him! It's time to party for our 200-year friendship!"
    Candy then stood up and said loud to bring them all shots and their strongest beers. Krista laughed as she and Jessica grabbed their glass before Candy and took their shots.
    Krista was more of a party drinker that gave no shit to anyone. She got tired of being the shy caring vampire she was when meaning Raphael.
    But she was happy with herself for once sense years as she had while she and friends knew on the dance floor as they swirled and danced with strangers also on the dance floor.
    The lights went red and blue then green as they all would jump while some would sing to the music while others would scream. Krista was the one singing and jumping as she was feeling her head as the liquor was hitting her very well.
     So after a little, they three decided to get out and walk to their homes as Krista was leaning a little on candy. " let's go and make some hell!"
    As Krista said that she lifted her hand up that had a beer bottle in her hand as that made candy and Krista wabble while Jessica laughed. " calm down sis we have to first find an alfa vampire remember?"
     Krista got off Candy and looked at Jessica with her drink face pointing at Jessica's chest. " hey we....we don't need a... a alfa to conquer the world... we just need... need us!"
    Krista then looked at each other for a little then laughed as they two then started down to where Krista lived as they entered the sewers.
    As they got in and started walking to the place and got to her home they sat on the couch as Jessica looked around. "Why don't you move? I would if I know I was not seeing my ex anymore."
    " Because... it reminds me of my first time being happy being a vampire... meeting them. So I promised Michelangelo to watch his games and Donatello to keep his lab untouched then Leonardo to keep... to keep the place cleaned..." Candy sat closer to Krista. " What about their father? I remembered that you told me about him."
    " Oh yeah master splinter... he wanted to keep me with my ex... but it seems I failed that..." Krista said as she sat up and looked around. " but maybe your right... it's time for me to move one and out... I will just keep some things up to the surface that makes me feel they are still with me."
    Candy placed a hand on Krista's shoulder. " We will help to Krista. After all, we are friends."
    Krista looked at Jessica as she had her arms crossed and looked over at her. " yeah. Friends stay together."
    Krista smiled with small tears as she then got over and huge Jessica and Candy as they hugged there while then Krista pulled back. " Well, I better go to bed..."
    They both smiled and nod as they headed out till Krista was alone then she looked around and placed her hands on her arms. " I'm sorry... but it's hard... I'm always feeling alone and hurt... I cant hold this feeling that is not there no more... please forgive me Splinter... and Leo..."

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