Life is Tough Baby

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Amir POV

"Class is over"Chris said everyone left out the classroom I got up and went to go sit on his chair

I have been feeling terrible lately I am 1 month pregnant but I feel like I am damn 8 months pregnant

"Hi baby"Chris said

"Hi"I said looking down at my phone

"What's wrong baby"he said

"Nothing"I said looking up

"Mir what is it baby tell me"He said

"Chris I have so many problems right now"I said looking at him

"Well baby that's why I am here for just open up and tell me"he said making me get up so he can sit down then putting me on his lap

"Ok Chris... I am so afraid to tell my mom Chris she will disown me because I got pregnant at the of 18. Number 2 is I have no idea how in the hell I am going to take care of this baby and myself and last I am going to be fat and ugly and sick and not attractive"I said almost crying

"See look at me I am so fucking emotional"I said whipping my tears away

"First off you are supposed to be emotional you have another person inside of you and baby if your mom doesn't want to be in this baby's life then it's her loss ok babe Number 2 don't worry about taking care of the baby or yourself ok because last time I checked I am the famous Chris Breezy I got you and my child you have inside of you ok and trust me you are unbelievably gorgeous I mean you are glowing and I can't wait till you start showing you are so attractive oh yeah and please stop stressing it's not good"he said looking at me

"Thank you Chris and can we go and eat dinner with my mom tonight"I said (Chris met my mom and she knows he is my teacher)

"Yeah but your mom hates me"he said

"No she doesn't she just thanks it's odd that you are my teacher"I said

"Yea whatever"he said

"Hey meet me at my moms house in 20 minutes ok"i said

"Ok and before you go I want you to know I looked up something that benefits the both of us"He said pulling me to him by my waist

"And what is that"I said

"We can have sex"he said smiling

"No we can't that can hurt the baby"I said looking at him then looking down and rubbing my belly

"Yes we can we just can't go hard as we usually do we can make sweet love"he said

"I don't know it's like our baby is in the same room with us when we are fucking"I said

"Just think about it"he said

"Ok I will see you in a minute"I said

"Love you"he said

"Love you too"I said walking out of the classroom and to my car to my moms house

•Moms house•

"Hey mommy"I said

"Hey baby"she said

"Mama I am not a baby anymore I am graduating in 1 week"I said

"You will always be my baby"she said

"Uh Chris is coming to eat with us"I said

"Oh ok"she said

Doorbell rung

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