The Break up

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Amir POV
It was lunch and I sat away from Jake and he kept looking at me and I didn't pay him no mind
Shit I have to go and see if I left my binder in Mr.Browns class
Chris POV
"Man so I got some news"I said
"Nigga what you do"Tyga said
"I almost fucked one of my students"i said
"What"Tyga said
"Yeah I mean we were just looking at each other and before you know it she is on my desk shirtless and I had to stop myself"I said
"Man what she look like"Tyga said
"Man she got a fat ass and" I didn't get to finish because Amir walked in oh god
"Uh hey Amir can I help you with something"i said
"Yes sir uh I think yesterday I rushed out of her so fast I left my binder here may I check and see if it's here"she said
Oh my god she looked so fucking good in those shorts I would love to do her right here
"Yeah sure go ahead"i said she began to bend over to look for her binder and my god I was licking my lips and daydreaming until Tyga snapped me out of it
"I found it thanks Mr.Brown"she said
"No problem I will see you in class"i said and she left
"Good god man she looks like a grown women oh my man she is sexy for a 17 year old you are only 24 even though she is your student you better get on that fast before I do"Tyga said
"Man she is my student but hey she is fine"i said
"Nigga I saw how you were licking you lips and staring at her ass.You know you want too hit that because I want to hit that.Listen man talk to her after school today and talk to her about what happen and if y'all want to take it to the next level and give it a shot no one has to know"Tyga said
"Yeah I will"i said
"I will hit you up later man"Tyga said
"Ok man"I said
Amir POV
Man it was so awkward when I went in to Mr.Browns room but thank god his friend Tyga was in there yes Tyga the rapper that sings Rack City omg I love him but him and Chris I mean Mr.Brown are best friends they have a lot of songs together.
But Mr.Brown kept staring at my ass it was weird but hey I don't have a problem with that
I went back to the cafeteria and I saw Jake sitting with Courtney and she was feeling on his muscles I literally going over to the table and Becca saw the evilness in my eyes so she tried to stop me but she got to me to late and Jake saw me coming and he seemed kind of scared I slammed my hands on the table and said "Listen hear you slut get ya motherfucking hands off shit that doesn't belong to you and last I checked it has my name written all over it ok"i said with pissed voice
"We'll Jakey didn't have a problem with it now.Jake you need to control your pet"Courtney said
oh hell the fuck no did she just call him Jakey and she called me a pet Jake looked at me and so did Becca and Jasmine and their eyes got super big because they saw my eyes squinting and I started to take off my earrings and my shoes and that's when Jasmine and Becca said "Jake get her now"Jake got up as quick as possible and I was so close to whooping her ass but before I got there Jake caught me and carried me out of there with one hand and Becca and Jasmine followed behind and Courtney just smiled and waved I got out of Jakes hands and ran over and I almost got her again until Jasmine screamed "Jake go get her ass"

Jake got me and carried me out of the cafeteria
"Why y'all always stop me for shit"i said
"Because your ass could be suspended that's why"Jake said in a pissed voice
"I know you aren't mad at me"I said
"Yeah I kind of am you are so extra and just drama"Jake said
"That's how you feel"i said in a sad tone almost crying
"Yeah I don't know how much more I can take"he said Jasmine and Becca were just standing there shocked
"Ok well I guess we are done oh yeah I had a great make out session yesterday and it wasn't you"i said crying everyone was shocked i walked off
"Have fun with Courtney Jake"i said while walking away Jasmine followed me but she couldn't find me until I bumped into Mr.Brown and I fail and he picked me up and carried me to his room to see what's wrong
Jake POV
"That bitch"I said
"I can't believe she just broke it off"I said
"We'll believe it you are the most stupidest person ever"Becca said
"Shut up Becca"i said even though I know I crosses the line with letting Courtney grab my muscles
"Whatever have fun with your slut Jake and at least she cared about you and she was hiding it from you unlike you just doing it right in front of her face"Becca said and she left

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