Surprise surprise

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The bell was about to ring but i really don't care
I was walking to class and the bell already rung I walked in and I saw Mr.Browns fine ass
He asked "Amir why are you late"
I said "I am sorry Mr.Brown it won't happen again"
He said "I know it won't"
I went in and sat at my seat with Becca and Jasmine and
Courtney said "she was probably to busy fucking someone"thats when I stood up and so did she and we were face to face I said"i dare you to say it again"she didn't repeat herself until Mr.Brown walked over and said"What the hell is going on here"he looked at me then looked at Courtney I said "Courtney started it "
He said "ok well whatever just happen I am sure it won't happen again in this class do I make myself clear"no one answered until he said in a loud voice "DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR"we both said "yes sir"he said "ok back to work" I have to say I love it when Mr.Brown gets aggressive it is super attractive
Mr.Brown said "ok we will be working on our pottery again today so get started"I was absolutely terrible at this so I asked for help and he said"no you haven't even tried it's the first day everyone is going to do bad if you don't do good tomorrow I will help you ok"
"Yes sir"I said in a sexy voice
Class was almost over and the bell ringed and he said "Amir I will need you to stay after to talk"I stopped walking and he waited for everyone to leave "yes sir" "we need to talk about your behavior and your grade ok"he said "ok what's wrong "I said getting closer to him and he looked at me and said"you have not been at your best lately and you have a D in this class and you are close to failing"he said i didn't hear a word he said I just nodded and he said "so I am hopping you will start and fix your attitude and you need to start turning in your assignments on time ok"and we were just staring into each others eyes and before I knew it out lips crashed together and he picked me up and put me on his desk and he is just 24 an I am 17 not that bad of an age gap
When he put me on his desk he pulled off my shirt and was just looking at me and he sucked on my neck and then he stopped and looked disappointed in hisself and he said "this was a mistake and I am sorry" I got off the desk and put on my shirt and I said "yeah it was I will see you tomorrow Mr.Brown"
Before he could say anything I walked out and got in my car and I couldn't believe what I just did
I just made out with my teacher
What do I do?

My Teacher Chris Brown storyWhere stories live. Discover now