Amaru finally came walking through the door with more than one food bag in his hand. "Here baby."He handed her the chipotle bag and a medium sized sprite.

"Thank you, baby"She smiled and grabbed his face to kiss his lips. She danced as she open the bowl, you would think that she hadn't ate in days the way she started to attack her food.

"Here Amari."He handed her Chick-fil-A bag.

They all sat in their bed together and started to eat.  Damita reached her hand to grab one of Amaru's fries, but he popped her hand.

"Uh Uh fat ass. You got some food. You begged me or that chipotle, eat it."Amaru scolded her as if she was child.

"I only wanted one."She sighed and tried to pout so that she'd get her way.

"No. If I give you one, you'll want two more then you'll want a handful, then next thing I know, my fries will be gone."He chuckled, moving his fry carton out of her reach.

"Daddy, you might as well give her one. You know she's going to end up wearing you down eventually."Amari chuckled.

Amaru scrunched up his face. "You let her eat your damn fries then. Since you want her to have some so bad."

"Ok. I don't mind sharing with my little brother or sister."Amari smiled and handed her mother her fries.

"Thank you sweetheart."Damita smiled and stuck her tongue out at Amaru. "You love your momma."

"Of course I do." Amari smiled and kissed her mother on the cheek.

"Baby. Hurry up and finish eating."Damita rolled her eye and slapped his food out of his hand. "You taking too long, I wanna take a nap."

"I'm not tired though."Amaru laughed.

"Sooooooo. You know I can't sleep without you. So either you better get tired or you're gonna just lay here."She raised her voice as if she had an attitude.

"You gotta wait, because I have to go get Amaru and Aaliyah."he replied.

"I'll go get them."Amari smiled. She was being petty.

"You too damn spoiled. You just make everybody do what you want."Amaru laughed and started to gather his trash.

"Duuuh."She rolled her eyes. "Now go put up my food and bring ya ass, so I can sleep."

"I don't know why you think you run me. You don't run shit. I just give you what you want because it makes me happy."Amaru shook his head and grabbed her food before walking out of the room.

"He be talking all that shit like he's not going to do what I say. Don't even listen to him. We all know I run this shit."Damita yelled, tapping her hand against her chest. "I wear the pants, damnit."

Amari chuckled at her mother's silliness. She is such a character. Damita kept talking net noise and Amaru walked into the room with his hand over his ear. "What was said?"He asked.

"Ooh nothing daddy. I said i love you."She smiled and blew him a kiss.

"Sound like you talking shit to me."Amaru laughed and grabbed her ankles.  He started tickling her feet, making her scream and laugh. "Was you talking shit? Yes or no?"Amaru yelled, still tickling her feet.

"Nooo."She screamed, laughing loud. "Baby stop it. You're going to make me pee."Damita screamed loudly.  She couldn't stop laughing.

Amari just sat there laughing at her parents. They still acted like teenagers. They were so in love and she loved it.

"You want me to stop?"Amaru laughed. "Say you love me and that I wear the pants in this relationship."

"No. I'm not saying that."Damita chuckled and tried to snatch her foot away from him. He let her foot go and started to tickle her sides.

"Ok, ok fine."She laughed, now out of breath. He stopped, giving her a chance to speak. "I love you and you wear the pants in this relationship."Damita said, trying to catch her breath.

"Nope. That ain't right."Amaru laughed and continued tickling her.

Damita laughed loudly and started kicking her legs. "I love you daddy."She screamed.

Finally he stopped tickling her and kissed her on the lips. "I love you too."

"I'm going to get going. So I can bring your children home. Momma, can I stay here tonight? I don't want granny to see my face."Amari asked pleadingly.

"Of course you can. You don't have to ask. This is your house too."Damita breathed. She hadn't quite caught her breath yet.

"Thank you Mommy."Amari smiled and kissed her cheek. "I'll be back in a few."She walked out of the room, leaving them alone.

Damita looked up at him and smiled. "Can I have a kiss?"

"Nah. You trying to get nasty."Amaru chuckled and nodded his head.

"Nooo. I really just wanna kiss daddy. I'm sleepy."She giggled and started to walk over to him on her knees.

She sat down on the edge of the bed and he kissed her lips softly. "I love you. So so much."He smiled and kissed all her face.

She smile and and fluttered her eyes. "I love you too daddy."

"Now come on."She demanded, pulling his arm. She pulled him down into he bed and laid on top of him.

"You'd think I was pillow the way you always laying on top of me."Amaru laughed as she got comfortable on his chest.  He wrapped his arms around her and started to rub on her butt like he did every night.

"Your skin is warm and soft. You smell good too."Damita giggled. "That's why I'm always all over you. Plus, you're mine. So I can be on you if I want to."

She closed her eyes and started to slowly fall asleep. Amaru just laid there and let her sleep like he always did. 

Even though it made him uncomfortable sometimes because he couldn't move he'd always do it. They haven't had it any other way for the past 25 years.

Family Ties (BOOK V)Where stories live. Discover now