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Wonho's POV

I never expected me and Hyungwon to be so close really quickly. I learned that my current time Hyungwon was two years younger than me. Basically, two years had passed since the clock was made.

We did sleep in the same tent and airbed, but it shouldn't count for minors since Hyungwon is from the future. I asked Hyungwon about his life in the future. He said that he ended up becoming a scientist in the future. Basically, he had no wife or kids, he was lonely in the future. I still am curious about why he came back here, to this time.

I asked if it had something to do with family and Hyungwon shook his head, I guess not something with his mother or younger sibling. His sibling did end up being successful and became a vocal teacher, he was known among idols, Chae Sewoon. I considered being an idol as a second choice if I were to give up on kendo, but that would never happen.

I could kind of see Hyungwon as an idol, only if he wasn't so old. I remember there was a group named Shinhwa, Super Junior had some mature idols, but Hyungwon dancing with a suit was strange, even if it was some concept. I couldn't imagine Hyungwon breaking into a dancing trance.

It was the morning of Thursday, three weeks after me and Hyungwon met.

I woke up early this time, and let the man sleep.

Hell no.

I smiled deviously and ran to the ponds. Hyungwon was healthy for a geezer like him, but it was fun pranking him.

Now that I thought about it, I never treated Hyungwon like an elder. Hyungwon was like some close friend that I had a love-hate relationship with, we definitely did care about each other though. I hated thinking about it, but I started to see assets Hyungwon had, but Shownu didn't, that added onto how we both get along really well.

I could imagine the smirk on Hyungwon's face if I were to admit that. I shivered at the thought and continued scooping up water.

I got back and put dirty towels around Hyungwon, might as well wash them while soaking Hyungwon.

I poured a bucket full of water on Hyungwon and cackled loudly, "How's it going, AHJUSSI?!"

"Goddammit Wonho." Hyungwon growled, he got up and flicked my head. His flicking is like a slap. It burned a little but didn't have too much on an impact.

"No breakfast for you!" He declared.

I pouted, "I'll get some berries and milk.."

Hyungwon smiled with his water dripping down his forehead and I hurried off.

I just remembered, today was a market day. Hyungwon and I would go walk into the village flea markets and buy goods. The village we usually bought from never had wifi, so they didn't have access to the news. We roamed freely, the only restriction we had is that we need sunglasses to cover ourselves.

I was starting to adapt to this life. Maybe I didn't need hyung? I definitely wished he was alive and well, I missed him a lot. I found myself attracted to Hyungwon's charms, but I was still in a pit of broken love for Shownu-hyung. Maybe over time I will learn to love Hyungwon? Besides, he's one of the only people I'll be seeing the rest of my life. No girls, bars, coffee shops, strip clubs, nothing. I was sure that I was falling in love for Hyungwon though.

His lips, hair, and eyes were wonderful. He was this attractive in his mid 30's? Hell yeah. I was into this look and Hyungwon's a clever, kind man. What else can I ask for? Did I mention? Hyungwon is very rich in the future.

I gathered blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, any berry I could find.

"Today's the market day!" I clapped loudly after walking over to Hyungwon.

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