When I woke in the morning I remembered the dream and I decided that I would do something for Obito for helping me. I got up and got out my swimsuit to change into then went to the bathroom and when I got into the room Obito was up and staring at the ceiling.

"Why do you have cherry blossoms on your ceiling?" he asked me confused.

"My sister and I painted those there..." I said quietly.

He nodded and looked to me then hurried to look away with a blush.

"Can't you put something else on?" he asked.

I looked at him quizzically. It was the same bathing suit I had on the one day. There really shouldn't be a problem.

"I am going for a swim. Do you want to join me?" I asked him.

He thought about it as his blush receded. He finally nodded and I threw him a pair of swim trunks that I knew he might need sometime. He went into the bathroom to change and when he came out it was my turn to blush. I didn't know he had a 6 pack so yeah...

"Something wrong?" he asked me as I stared.

I shook my head at him. He nodded and followed me out my door and outside to the pool. I giggled slightly as I saw Kisame there already.

"Hey Kisa-kun!" I said to him.

He looked up to see us and grinned.

"Hey kid. Are you two getting in too?" he asked.

"Well duh, we are dressed aren't we?" I asked him in a playful manner.

He just grinned at us. I put my towel on the chair by the pool and jumped in with Obito following behind me. For the day everyone else started to come to the pool. Itachi and Pein were outside but they just stayed on the pool's edge. I didn't like that so I devised a plan.

I got Deidara to sneak up behind them then Kisame in front and Tobi and I were on their sides. I jumped with Deidara and Tobi hoping that my plan would work. It did perfectly. Itachi and Pein jumped up and since you can't change direction in the air Kisame came from under the water and pulled them in.

We all three high-fived each other and when Itachi and Pein came up they looked pissed! I laughed as they glared at us while the others scattered. Itachi and Pein then gave me a confused look. I just shrugged and went to Kisame who was hiding behind a bush.

I poked him and he screamed. Once he saw me he sighed then got an evil glint in his eyes. I laughed awkwardly then ran.

He caught me like nothing so the next thing he did was throw me in the pool. I closed my eyes and screamed. When I came back up from being dumped in I glared at Kisame. He hid from me.

"Your glare can rival Itachi's and Leader's together!" I heard Kisame shout.

I smiled in victory then felt something run down my lip. I put my hand to my lip and saw blood. I felt to see where it was coming from and was relieved to find it from my nose. I swam to the edge of the pool and pinched my nose tilting my head back.

"Someone get me some tissues!" I yelled.

The next thing I knew everyone was gathered around me. I think my nose bleed got bigger because I just realized that all the guys were actually pretty cute. I closed my eyes trying to fight back a blush. I succeeded in it and I felt someone put a hand on my shoulder.

"Tobi got napkins for Kitten-chan!" He said somewhat softly so it wouldn't hurt my ears.

I took them from him with a thank you and applied them to my nose. My eyes then widened.

"Get me my pills now! I never took them!" I yelled.

In a moment Itachi was gone and was back the next with my pills and a glass of water. I hurried to take them and sighed in relief glad I remembered. Tomorrow I had to go to the hospital to get a refill on my pills.

"Thank you, Tobi and Itachi!" I said to them with a bright smile.

They nodded to me in response.

"Why do you forget those so often?" Itachi asked.

"Well they are pills. Of course I need them to live but I forget things very often. Unless I really try to remember I forget it easily," I said to them with a shrug.

Itachi sighed and the others slowly dispersed. Obito stayed beside me until my nose stopped bleeding. He was the best friend I had other than Chesh and I was happy that I had them. Just to be in the presence of my favorite characters let alone them worrying about me is amazing, something I never imagined could happen.

"Who's hungry?" I asked everyone.

I laughed as they all raised their hands.

"I'll be back then. I'm going to order pizza. You won't know what it is but it is really good. Come with me Tobi," I said as I stood.

He nodded and followed me inside. I went to the living room and got the phone.

"Thanks for worrying about me," I said to him with a smile. "I really appreciate it."

"No problem," he said as we sat on the couch.

I dialed the number for Pizza Hut and ordered our food. We just sat on the couch for a while then once it was 10 minutes till they were supposed to get here I got up and started for the door. My arm was grabbed and I turned to find Obito there.

"Don't worry, I'm just going to get the food. I need to go to the end of the driveway because they won't come back here," I said with a smile.

He nodded and let me go. I walked out the door the whole way to the end of the drive. I sighed as I waited for the pizza person in my towel. I shivered inwardly scolding myself for not grabbing a jacket. Finally the pizza guy arrived.

"Hey," he said with a slick smile.

He licked his lips at me and I just wanted to slap him as his eyes traveled my body and stayed on my breast the longest. They weren't even big! Perhaps an A, that's it. All I did was smile though.

"Hello, you're lucky being just 1 minute before you were late. Awesome timing," I said to him.

"Thanks sweets, now how about I get what I should?" he asked.

I nodded and gave him the money. He looked at me as if expecting something. If that greasy brown haired pervert thought he was getting something, he'd be getting those pretty blue eyes scratched out.

"Shouldn't I get a bit more hun? I got here on time..." he said with a smile, his eyes raking over my body again.

"Shouldn't you be going?" I asked him as I started to walk back down my driveway.

"Hey!" He yelled to me.

He grabbed my arm and I whipped around and punched him in the face. I then kicked his stomach making him fall then ran down the driveway with my things in my arms. I made it to the end of the driveway to my door.

I leaned against my wall outside catching my breath. Once I caught my breath I walked in my house just to scream really really loud. Everyone bolted in the room and they were wide eyed at the room.

"Hidan!! Deidara!! Get in here now!!" I yelled.

Me: There was the next chapter of the story now what did Hidan and Deidara do?

Deidara: I don't know and I'm the one who did it.

Me: You'll see soon enough Dei.

Deidara: Of course, un. -_\\'

Me: X3




Kawaii!! Akatsuki Kitties! ♪DiscontinuedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora