"No fair Kisa! You're a ninja so you can run faster than me!" I yelled after him.

He grinned and slowed down then once he got beside me he picked me up bridal style. I giggled as Kisame held me and he just grinned at me. He carried me into the house and Tobi came in the living room. Tobi went for me but Kisame held me out of his reach.

"Kisame-san let her down!" Tobi exclaimed.

"Not until you calm down Tobi," he said calmly with a smile.

Tobi crossed his arms in front of him and Kisame set me down.

"Thank you Kisa!" I said to him as I gave him a hug.

He hugged me back with a grin then I got glomped by Tobi.

"Is Kitten-chan okay?!" He asked as he checked over me.

"Yes Tobi, I am fine," I said to him with a giggle.

Tobi nodded and then Itachi came in the room.

"Hey Ita!" I exclaimed.

I went to hug him and he stiffly hugged me back.

"I heard someone was worried about me!" I said in a sing song voice.

Itachi glared at Kisame who was rubbing the back of his head then Itachi sighed.

"Yes I was. It's because of your sickness. I think Konan should see what is happening if you will allow her that is..." Itachi said softly.

I nodded and followed him to my room with Tobi beside me. Itachi didn't look at me the whole time and I wondered why then I realized I was still in my bathing suit. I laughed mentally as we got in my room. Konan was already there and waiting for me on my bed.

"Hey Kitten and why are you dressed like that?" she asked.

"I had this under my clothes and I jumped out my window into the pool!" I said with a smile.

If we were in an anime she would most likely have a sweat drop on her head. I giggled and she motioned for me to lie on the bed.

"All right, now I am going to see what is wrong with you..." she said.

I nodded to her and saw her hands turn green with chakra. A warmth spread across my body as her chakra entered me. After about an hour she stopped.

"I can't find what is wrong..." she said with furrowed eyebrows.

"Really, you can't see anything?" I asked.

"What is your medication called?" Itachi asked.

I shrugged. He went to my dresser to find the bottle on top of it and looked at it. His eyes widened and you could see every muscle in his body tense.

"What is the matter Itachi?" Konan asked him in a worried tone.

"This is the same medication I was given back in our world..." he said in a slightly astonished and quiet voice.

"We have...the same sickness then?" I asked him.

"Actually we had the same sickness. When I came to this world my sickness went away somehow..." he said.

I put my hands behind my head and furrowed my eyebrows as I stared at the ceiling.

"That's weird...very weird..." Cheshire said startling me.

"That is what I am thinking," Itachi said with a small glare towards no one in particular. "I knew of no one other than myself ever having this disease."

"The doctors are baffled as well..." I said catching their attention. "They have no idea what is wrong with me and have never seen the disease before. No one has ever had a disease such as mine."
Konan nodded.

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