Airport Chase

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Finn's POV

"Come with me please, sir." I say in a calm but authoritative voice to the tow truck we've been tracking. "But I'm gonna miss my plane." He said in protest, I ignored him. As we move towards the admiral's lounge, I drop a small camera to watch the doorway. I drown out the trucks protest about me taking him away as I decloak myself to my normal form, the truck stops in his speech. "Hey, I know you. You're that feller from the karate demonstration." He said with excitement. I turn around, "I never properly introduced myself. Finn McMissile. British intelligence." I state with my signature smile. "Tow Mater. Average intelligence." Mater reply's almost confusingly. I shook it off. "Who are you with? FBI? CIA?" I ask. "Let's just say I'm AAA affiliated. You know, I know some karate. I don't wanna brag or nothing, but I got me a black fan belt." Mater continues. Suddenly my monitor goes off. "We're being followed." I mumble as Mater keeps rambling about karate moves. I shoot a tiny glass cutting beetle to the window. It starts to cut a perfectly sized hole. I hear Grem and Acer heading our way when the glass is popped out and falls to the ground below. Mater eyes the clock. "Look, I probably ought to go. I'm about to miss my flight." Mater turns away as I reverse and hook one of my grapples to his tow hook. "Don't worry, I've taken care of that. Hang on." And I leap out the window and down the runway. I hear Mater compliment about first class service, then he says something about karate partners following us. I knew it was Grem and Acer. Just as I'm about to say something, a line of Pacers and Gremlins skid in front of us to where we can't get through. I prepare for a crash when a bomb suddenly lands in front of the line. "What the-" The Gremlin didn't get to finish as the bomb blew, clearing the way. As I make it through the cloud of fire and smoke I look around. There speeding next to me, is Agent Lunar Eclipse. "Miss Eclipse." I greet politely. She eyes me then smirks. "Sir McMissile, I dare not be part rude, but do please call me by my stationed name." She says in her best polite British tone. I roll my eyes. Suddenly there are gunshots. One hits Lunar's tire, and she skids. Moon! I can feel anger bristle through me. "Drive forward. Whatever you do, don't stop." I skid around, whipping Mater around in a 180 so that I'm facing our pursuers and Mater is towing me. What I didn't expect to see is Lunar driving backwards in a strange way. I watched as she raised the flat tire to where she was only driving with three tires on the tarmac. A thin slab of rubber slide down her body, reaching the wheel, and repairing it in an instant. I blinked as she pulled up next to me still driving backwards. She gave me a smile and wink. I shook my hood and turned back to the pursuing car. He produced a rocket launcher and started to aim. I fire a mini rolling-jack that drives under Grem and flips him over like a turtle. But not before he shoots the rocket.  I release my own rocket and the two join together in a big explosion.
"Is everything okay back there?"
"Finn, it's Sid. I'm on approach."
"Roger that."
Acer suddenly blocks the path with a train of luggage carts. "Uh..You remember that whole thing about me not stopping no matter what?" Mater says in panic. Just as we are about to hit the carts, Siddeley descends from the air, shooting and blasting the luggage carts sky-high. Me, Mater and Moon burst through them as they rain from above. Mater yells something incomprehensible. "Thanks, old boy!" I yell to Sid as he lands and opens his back ramp to reveal Holley. I drown out their conversation as Acer rejoins the chase. Do these guys ever quit?
Acer starts to shoot at us, surprising Mater. One of his shots hit Sid's wheel, who grunts in pain. "Hold on, Sid!" I yell as we peel off the runway and onto the grass. Reaching another runway, I hear Lunar growl. "That's it." She produces her side gun and shoots at Acer, hitting one of his tires he squeals off the runway, out of control, and away to another jet. As Sid reaches the end of the tarmac, he yells to me. "Finn, it's now or never!" Nodding to Lunar, we turn full around and speed towards the ramp. Lunar makes it first, I follow close behind right when Sid takes to the air. "Hold on!" He yelled and they were off.

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