Your Time..has NOT Come

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Moon's POV

As I dropped, I heard Finn shout my name and Holley shout Mater's at the same time in shock. I sent a grapple to the higher level and swung myself to the lower level. Landing with a slight wince from the pain in my tire. Turning around I sent a look to Finn, who smiled. Then Mater raced to the other side of the same level. "We gotta get y'all outa there!" Mater yells. Finn shakes his hood. "There's no time. McQueen needs your help." I rolled my eyes.
Is he really playing the 'There's no time' card.
I missed Mater's comment. Finn sends me a sad look. "It's up to you. Go to the pits and get everyone out. You can do that." He shouts to Mater. He then glances at me. "Moon, go with him and help the others." I send a knowing look.
He's not planning on escaping!
I send a pleading message with my eyes.
Just don't die!
"What about you guys?!" Mater pushes.
"We'll be okay." Finn yells then meets my gaze. I felt like I was about to cry. He smiles a sweet and reassuring smile. "I'll always love you, Finn. I won't forget." I told him softly. He seemed to smile more at that statement. With that I joined Mater and zoomed out of Big Bentley. My destination true in my mind and heart.
I won't let you down Finn.
Again that pain in my back tire started up again.
What is causing that?

Finn's POV

"So we'll be 'okay'? Really?"
"He wouldn't have left if I'd told him the truth." I stopped as we moved closer to being crushed. I groan. "Being killed by a clock," I chuckle. "Gives a whole new meaning to 'your time has come.'"
Man, she's rubbed off on me. But that's why I love her.
I smiled at the thought of her frame, her deep ocean blue eyes, and her sweet, serine smile that I might never see her again. I suddenly hear Holley's electroshock cords retract.
"What are you doing?"
"Trying to turn back time." She said trying again. This time, almost succeeding but to no avail. We move another click and are near to getting crushed as the gear presses us against the turbine. "If I could just...reverse the polarity..." she says struggling. I suddenly hear transferring energy and we are finally free from the pressure as the gear moves smoothly the opposite way. "Good job! Quick thinking, Holley." I phrase.

Moon's POV

I see Mater speed beside me on the other side of the road and I nearly laugh as he yells. "What's everybody on the wrong side of the road for?!"
It's London Mater. Streets are opposite here.

Finn's POV

As we are moving the other way we both realize we are headed towards another gear, moving faster than the other and would soon send us to a crushing death. "Oh no!" Holley exclaims. I think of something fast. "Drive! Burn Rubber!" I yell as we began to drive away from each other. Creating enough room between our bumpers for the gear until...SNAP!!! We both launch in opposite directions as our ropes snap us to freedom. As I gain my mobility I turn towards Holley's side. "We've got to get to the course." I drive over to the front and she meets me there. "Calculate the fastest way to—" I stop in my tracks as Holley produces wings and a jet tail from her frame. "Done." She states. I look at her up and down, impressed.
"Miss Shiftwell."
"They're standard issue now." She says matter-of-factly.
"You kids get all the good hardware." I state with a smile. As we turn to exit, we spot something on the ground. It's a hubcap. I quickly scan it and find a shocking discovery. Holley beats me to saying it though. "That's-thats Moon's hubcap." I realize something that should've been obvious before. "I knew their escape was too easy." Then I realize from before that Moon was wincing from pain in her rear tire. Of course!
Hold on Moon. I'm on my way!

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