04: Fortunes and Unfortunates

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As the two of them reach the door, Kaela moves in front of Vera, blocking her way to the entrance

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As the two of them reach the door, Kaela moves in front of Vera, blocking her way to the entrance. Her friend crosses her arms and fixes a small frown onto her small face. Standing underneath a beam of rich golden light, Kaela's eyes are a brilliant blue shade while the top of her hair hosts a subtle glow. "We don't have to go. Come on Vera, it's not too late to go home." She insists with a trace of concern in her words.

Vera sighs and slumps her shoulders. "It's not a big deal. I'm perfectly fine, I promise. We should-"

"You were starting to pale and I'm getting worried about you. Vera, we shouldn't...I don't think this is a good idea. Besides these-" Her friend takes out two red crumpled tickets out from the pocket of her hoodie. "-don't matter to me. How about we head back to your place and play a game of Apples to Apples with Remi? I'm sure we'll have plenty of fun doing that instead of watching lame old magic tricks."

She really wanted to see this though, Vera thinks. Her heart slightly churns in her ribcage and she bites on her lip. Even though her friend always maintained a happy go-lucky exterior, Vera knew better than to expect that her interior was no different. Kaela is the type of person who would never put their self ahead of anybody. Vera briefly recalls the time when they were both in their freshman years. She remembers being incredibly confused and lost on her first day of school.

With little knowledge on how to interact with others and not a single clue on how regular schools operated, Vera found herself utterly hopeless as she was trying to find her classes. Because she was so accustomed to temporary tutors and fleeting faces, the new experience of it all completely took her off guard. After circling the school twice in effort to navigate her classes by herself, she gave up and decided to sit out on a bench until the day ended. She didn't know why she couldn't have simply found her voice and asked for directions. Perhaps it was because everyone and everything was a loud blur that only managed to scare her in a way. So many faces yet they all looked the same to her. Blurry and blank.

As she swung her legs back and forth while humming an old Vietnamese lullaby, the bench lurched slightly to her left, creaking as it did so. Wide eyed and frightened, Vera jumped from her seat once her eyes landed on the smiling girl beside her. In a stained blue hoody and faded black jeans, the girl stood up slowly. Her glossy golden hair was kept in a braid that swayed around her shoulders as she walked towards Vera in small steps.

With a rather bright glint in her sky blue eyes, the girl offers a hand when she is standing in front of her. "Hiya! I'm Kaela Macbeth. And you are lost." She laughed to herself before sobering up. "Take my hand and I'll guide you the way. Although I should really get to class, keeping you company seems more fun. And oh, just kidding about the holding hands thing, you don't have to take my hand if you don't want to, but I read in a book somewhere that holding hands will give give you comfort, and you also look like you need a little bit of that right now."

Vera blinked and remained silent. Her hand laid at her side as she eyed the slender, open hand in front of her. "Um, I don't..." She found herself muttering shyly. "I don't know what to do with my hand. I mean I don't think holding hands will magically transport me to my class. Unless it can, but it probably won't." In her chest, her stomach tied into a hundred little knots. That didn't come out right. How do people on TV make it look so easy, she thought to herself. God, I sound like a major idiot. I should really just stick to five worded sentences and such.

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