Natural Ant Exterminator

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     Will's POV

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     Will's POV

"Ugh!" I growled, smacking the top of a cafe table.

"Mate! Shut up!" Dan complained over the sound of me slapping flat surfaces with my newspaper.

"But-" I slammed down the wrinkled paper, "-there's so many damn ants!"

Dan sighed at my comment, probably thinking that I was too picky and clean, which I guess I was at times. We were in Argentina, spending the last day here walking around in the beautiful city, surrounded by brick buildings and amazing architecture. A cafe was along the roadway of the city, selling coffee-based ice drinks, pastries, and ice cream. With ice cream and sugary pastries, cake ants and sugar-loving insects, which I found disgusting. The thought of ants crawling all over the food and tables made my stomach flip with unease.

"Holy fuck!" I jumped from my chair.

"What?! What?" Woody stood abruptly, his eyes widening at me.

"That!" I stared tensely at the cluster of ghastly black insects huddling on a melted puddle of strawberry ice cream. "This is disgusting!"

"It's nature," Kyle shook his head and patted me on the shoulder. "Face it, ants will probably dominate the world one day," he joked, staring at me and my awkward, isolated position away from the table.

"I hate the thought of black ants crawling in one spot," I pointed at the stomaching-turning cluster of insects, filled with at least thirty of them in that one puddle of melted ice cream.

"AI NO!" A man suddenly shouted from afar.

"What's going on over there?" Dan mumbled while leaning out of his chair to squint into the distance.

A crowd of people, old and young Argentinians, rushed towards us, and went straight past the cafe. Being four idiots in an indie band, we exchanged confused looks as we continued to gaze up the street. To be honest, I was starting to think that even the heat was getting to people's brains, since I couldn't even see anything that looked threatening. Nothing apart from this wild anteater that was walking down the-

     "HOLY SHIT AN ANTEATER!" I shouted and leapt into the middle of the road, hollering joyfully like a lunatic.

     "Yo!" Kyle hissed and tugged harshly at my shoulder. "Don't make it come here-"

     "OI! YOU ANT-EATING THING! COME 'ERE!" I made a face and tried to lure it over to the ice cream parlour, being unfortunately unsuccessful, much to everyone else's relief.

     "Will, WHAT THE FUCK?!" Dan ushered the rest of the guys into the shop, so they could be safe from the anteater.

     I rolled my eyes at the three pussies and tried again, to get this animal to come here and eat these damn ants. This time, I waved my hands, and even went as far as grabbing a thick and fat ant that was minding its own business. And somehow, in a turn of events, the mammal actually noticed me waving the fucking insect from the bottom of the street. That animal came running like it was the last day of its life, and I happily kept the ant in my grasp for the whole time just so I could get rid of the thing myself.

     "Finally!" I huffed out in relief as the adorable mammal began to climb to a chair to reach the table surface.

     Boy, I proved the three-quarters of Bastille wrong. I'd like to see their sorry faces now, I smirked to myself before I turned to the window panel of the parlour. A priceless reaction from the lads: Dan had both hands pressed against the glass like a trapped prisoner, his jaw gaping down and wide open, while Woody was mouthing to me "Mate, what the fuck?", and then Kyle had his fucking phone out, filming me and the anteater for some damn reason- probably for Snapchat.

     After five minutes, the guys found out that this supposedly "dangerous" anteater was really just an escape creature from the zoo in Argentina. Turned out that the zoo workers were searching for her all day. They called me a genius for using my ice cream to lure ants to the table, which was then used as bait for the critter. I did not intend for that to happen, but I'll take the glory.

     "Damn, such a hero," Woody leaned to Dan and whispered.

     "Now I know who to call if I need an ant exterminator," Dan jokes quietly as I looked on, seeing the zoo's van speed away, with the anteater in captivity.

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