Chapter 10: Fun with the SAT Phone

Start from the beginning


"I keep telling you you can't just go charging off to find him! He's with the best-"
"Aurora please! Calm down Axels going to go-"
But I ignored them as I raced at the door throwing my full weight into it.
"You're going to hurt yourself stop!" Yelled Troy he sounded angry now but I ignored him clutching my throbbing shoulder.
"Damn she's strong..." I heard one of the others mumble.
"Send Axel some back up we need to find Luke and fast. Call the other packs in the region-"
I kicked the door in anger giving myself a throbbing pain.
"Aurora we'll find Luke he'll be fine he's the Alpha. There's no one out there who could best him." Chris was still trying to assure me through the door even as I stormed back and forth debating how to break it open.
"Maybe not ONE but a pack!?! Even you guys are scared! Now let-me-OUT!" I threw myself against the door again but aside from a crunching sound which I hoped hadn't come from my throbbing shoulder the door didn't move.
"We can't let you out. Not until you stop trying to run off." That was George's voice. If the quiet one wanted to speak he was picking the wrong time. I grabbed a vase the only breakable thing in here and chucked it full force at the door. After this they left me alone, which only made things worse. Luke's parting kept flitting through my mind.

"I'll be back before you know it."
I had rolled my eyes at this as he cupped my chin in his fingers.
"Just don't be an idiot. I'm not making any promises. I'd said a month and a months what I'll do. So take care of yourself so you can come back." I had hemmed I'm telling him I was worried but been to embarrassed to say that I'd miss him or even more embarrassingly that I was worried about him.
"Do I get a goodbye hug?" He asked it was almost timid but the very idea made me too embarrassed as the others were all gathered around to see him and a group of warriors off.
"Maybe when you get back." I rebutted ready to push him away should he try to.
Luke didn't argue like usual though instead he just gave me a small sad half grin tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.
"I'll see you later Princess." A burning sensation traveled across my skin as Luke's lips brushed against my forehead. Before I could even turn red or register any feeling at all He was gone.


"I already promised not to run away." I grumbled as Troy hovered over my shoulder. They had been guarding me since yesterday when I'd finally agreed after an entire night locked in the room.
"Yeah and when we were ten you promised not to punch me when a Volkswagen went past." He scoffed scowling at me. My thoughts of the plan derailed as I blinked at him.
"I punched you?"
"YES! Multiple times!" Troy seemed very distressed by this his eyebrows coming together.
"Ummm...I'm sorry?" I proffered as he glared at me. Troy sighed and shook his head.
"That was years ago, let's concentrate on now. You shouldn't sleep in here."
"I shouldn't," I agreed "but I can."
Troys scowl returned.
"I told you I've been arguing with her for the last two hours." Sighed Chris from the doorway. I just huddled down deeper into the quilt daring anyone in the room to try and remove me.
"I wanna stay here." I protested firmly. "If Luke calls-if we get news-I want to be here."
In truth I wasn't sure why I cared so much about this considering I still didn't want to stay here or be with Luke like he wanted, however a sense of panic bubbles up my throat every time I thought about his last call. I needed to find him, I knew seeing him was the only way to make that lump in my throat and the sickening pain in my chest every time I breathed.
I didn't say any of this to the others, I didn't want them watching me any more closely then they already were.
"Aurora there's nothing you can do." But I could hear the fight had left Troys voice.
"I want to stay here, I want to know the big idiot is safe." I grumbled squeezing the mug of hot cocoa in my hands ever tighter.
The guys couldn't meet my gaze even Troy looked away.
"One of us will stay here as well wake us if you need anything." I nodded and poured a second cup of hot cocoa with a happy grin. This was exactly what I wanted. "Here."
Troy sighed as I held up the cup before collapsing into the seat across from me.
"Thank you." He sighed taking the cup. I had to remind myself not to stare as he took a sip swallowing the marshmallows whole, just like how he did when we were kids.
"Well we've got a while to wait. You want anything? Radio, book..?" I jerked my eyes away from Troys now half empty cup to meet his tired gaze.
"Music?" I shrugged as he continued to watch me.

It was almost six in the morning now. Troy was snoring in his seat and the radio they'd brought was playing soft piano concertos on a low volume.
"Please forgive me." I mumbled placing my quilt around my cousins sleeping shoulders. He didn't wake up.
Quickly heart pounding in my chest I grabbed the sat phone as well as the map from the table leaving in place the dot sticker markings for the tracking of both Luke's team, the rogue pack and the assisting neighbor packs. I stowed them in my baggy sweater praying no one would check the hood under my thick mess of curls and find the sat phone.
I was almost back to our-Luke's room when a hand clasped down upon my shoulder.
I glanced up eyes wide heart pounding to find Troy wiping sleep from his eyes.
"Glad you decided to go to bed." He grumbled trying to blink the sleep away. "Next time wake me up okay?" He gave me a small smile as he wrapped my quilt back around my shoulders. Instantly I felt horrible, I had slipped two Benadryl in his marshmallows to make him sleepy but the horrible dark bags under his eyes made me feel even worse. He was already stressed to the max and exhausted from all this but he was still trying to stay strong for me, for me and the pack. A beta without an alpha, a brother missing his sibling...
My heart aches so much I almost apologized on the spot but that nagging image of Luke's sad smile as he left kept tugging on my conscious.
"Sorry you looked like you needed the rest." I lied promising to make this all right after I found Luke.
"Well it's almost time for Axel to call in he should be reaching Luke soon." Sighed Troy "I'll have Chris tell you when we hear okay?"
I nodded the guilt building up in my chest becoming too much to speak.
"Go get some rest. Luke's going to kill me if he finds out you've been missing sleep." And with that I was shooed into my room and the door closed for me.
Once I was sure Troy was gone I mumbled a quiet apology before turning and ripping the sheets off the bed.
"Hollywood don't fail me now." I grumbled. Laying out my items before me.


I hope everyone is enjoying the story :) please comment I'd love to hear some feedback :)))

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