Chapter 9- Hello

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Hello I'm the light living for you so you can hide. Don't cry. He cups my cheek as my right hand touches his neck. His lips are warm and soft. Inviting, really. I open my eyes seeing his eyes are closed. Then I know I'm not going to be the one to pull back first. I tune out the world, closing my eyes, remembering. This is my first kiss.  but do I want this? Him to be my first kiss? If this is how all kisses are like, this sure as hell isn't gonna be my last one. I don't want this to end. Was the old lady right? Is he falling? If he is, do I feel the same way? I'm not even sure. Suddenly I know I'm not sleeping hello I'm still here all that's left of yesterday.....


Jonathan's P.O.V

Love. I don't know one dang thing about that four-lettered word. But today, I feel I know the whole feeling of love. I back away, knowing we can't stay in the parking forever. “Let's go to my house and make my pancakes." “Haha okay." she says as i pull out with a huge grin on my face.

Hey peeps! I haven't been updating for a while because my service has been off. But anyyywwwwaaaaayyyyyy.... who do you think Alex belongs to? Will Elijah get his revenge or will her knight in shining armor come to rescue her? Comment on what you think!

Adios contaminos!

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