Chapter 7- Dream

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When I walk downstairs, I see Elijah. He looks at me and starts running towards me. I look at the floor and find Johnathan on the floor in a pool of blood. I start screaming as Elijah runs toward me with a knife. He hits me and knocks me to the ground. He gets his knife. I start screaming.

Johnathan P.O.V

As I'm laying on the couch, watching Tom and Jerry, I start hearing screaming coming from upstairs. I get up and run up the stairs. I see Alex swatting her hands and tears are coming out of her eyes. I jump on the bed, shaking her. She punches me in the face. I start screaming. “Alex, get up!" while shaking her. Her beautiful eyes flutter open. “Is he here?! Call the police! Oh my god! Oh my god!" “Alex is who here!?! I'm gonna bite you if you don't tell me what's going on!" I hold her as she calms down. “Shh... Shh...  it was just a dream." “I had a dream Elijah killed you and he was just about to stab me." “That won't happen. I won't let that happen to you." She smiles and closes her eyes as I fall asleep next to her.

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