First Kisses

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  • Dedicated to Alyssa

Alyssa's soft hands touched the silky skin on my cheek as if I were a porcelain doll. I closed my eyes in pure pleasure, smiling at the realization that she is the only one to ever touch me so gently. A rush of blood into my cheeks caused an involuntary grin to invade my expression of serenity–I ducked my head down slightly. Looking up through my eyelashes, I saw Alyssa's gorgeous smile, outshining mine with ease. Her effortless beauty was the quality that commonly made my speech trip up, stumbling and searching for something to hold on to. My words that usually flowed and came together evenly were cracked and switched around her. Something as typical as a simple compliment seemed astonishingly impossible with her around. That smile, those eyes, that just sent me into a whirl of pleasant clumsiness.

I felt her hot breath cascade onto my face as she pulled me closer to her. My eyes locked on hers as I stared deep into their depths, the black holes that were her irises. Her beautiful eyes flickered down. My lips–she wanted to kiss me. My heart sped up as she leaned toward me, cocky smile on her face–she knew I was her puppet. I whimpered as she let out a breath of hot air onto my lips. The anticipation of the kiss we were about to share was too much for me. I pulled her towards me, the last centimeter, and felt her pressing on my back so that I was as close to her as humanly possible. We were laying on my bed–perhaps not the best choice for a first kiss, but with Alyssa there never really was alot of choosing. Everything just sort of happens.

I couldn't help but let a soft moan escape my lips as her tongue intertwined with mine. Alyssa is kissing me! Alyssa is kissing me! I screamed inside my head, waiting for myself to believe it. I quickly nipped at her bottom lip and invaded her mouth with my tongue, taking charge in the only way I could. Being 5'4″ had a slight disadvantage–especially considering Alyssa is 5'11″. I kissed along her jaw until I had journeyed my way down to her neck. I had known how much of a turn-on her neck was since the moment I met her, and I was planning to take full advantage of that. I was an expert at biting necks. That's why I call myself a vampire so often.

Disregarding the typical "save the best for last", I started by using my favorite technique. I took a small amount of her skin between my teeth and slowly pulled back, causing my beautiful girlfriend to let out a sharp breath of air. I sucked and nibbled on various parts of her neck for what seemed like no time at all, until she finally stopped me–"'s enough. I have short hair, I can't hide a hickey." Her nervous laughter put a devious smile on my face. "But I can." I flipped back my long, blonde hair and gestured towards my neck with a wink. While beginning to feel dominant, I was gaining confidence. The dominance was quickly dissolved by the magical things she was doing to my neck with her gorgeously appealing lips. Finally, I couldn't stand it any longer. I adored whatever she was doing to my neck, but I craved her lips somewhere else–on mine. Running my hand through her hair, I pulled her head up and desperately kissed her, my neediness blatantly obvious.

Alyssa flipped me on my back, taking over the kiss in the sexiest way possible. My hands moved along her body, caressing her every curve–she was too perfect. When her sharp teeth nibbled on my lower lip I fought back a moan and clutched onto my sheets. Her perfection was too much, and as she danced her tongue along mine, all I could do was picture everything that made her in my mind. I saw her silly faces, her tank tops, her band shirts, every facial expression that made her. I thought of baths and flowers, as well as guitars and singing. All these things made up my Alyssa–these and so many more. She was a kaleidoscope of indescribable beauty, flashing her colors every which way. You could occasionally tell the general idea of what the color was, but a split second later it disappeared. She was a story never told. Not because no one wanted to tell it, or because no one wanted to listen, but simply because she was a story that is too beautiful, too amazing for mere words to capture. And everything about her crashed and collided into multitudes of color that shouldn't fit, not even slightly. Only, for some bizarre reason, they did.

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