Does his Dad feel her, even though she's the one with the mating bite? Do Omegas and Betas randomly pass out during pregnancy? Does the non-birthing parent always feel a pull from their child, while the child is in the womb?

With the phone still ringing in his hand Alec answers it. "Hey, Mom."

"Alec, where are you?"

"I spent the night with Magnus."

"With Magnus? Is everything all right?"

Alec quickly fills her in. How their dinner went, their talk in Central Park (fixing some of the details so he doesn't let it slip that he's going to be a father soon), finally walking Magnus back to his loft and Magnus passing out.

"Mom? Are you still there?"

"Yes." She breathes. "Alec, does Magnus have any medical help?"

"I called one of his friends to come check him out as soon as she can."

"That's good. As for the passing out I advice you to look at what he ate and drank last night, same with you so the same thing doesn't happen, as someone who's carried a child passing out is not normal."

"Are you saying someone drugged him?"

"It is a possibility. But I can't figure out why someone would do that; especially to a High Warlock who can turn them into any inanimate objects and discrediting that person in the entire Shadow World, particularly if that person also happens to be of a high rank as well."

Maybe because I'm the father? Magnus' child is going to be half-Shadowhunter, making our child the most sought out in the entire Shadow World? Downworlders and Shadowhunters and demons alike will come after my son or daughter, because they're going to hold more power than any of them? Alec thinks.

Hearing a deep sigh from the other end, Alec is snapped out of his thoughts. "Stay with Magnus until you know fully well that he is safe and no one is after him." With the way his mother is speaking Alec wonders if she knows that he is the father of Magnus' baby.

Giving quick goodbyes Alec and his mother hang up. Putting his phone in his pocket Alec goes back to Magnus' bedroom to make sure that nothing has happened while he had been asleep. Entering the room Alec turns the light on, making his way to the sleeping form of his expecting mate. (Is he even allowed to technically call Magnus his mate when there doesn't seem to be a chance of them raising their child together?)

Sitting on the bed Alec places his hand over Magnus' heart like the night before, relieved to still feel a heartbeat under his palm. Moving his hand down, his hand now over his child. He doesn't know if his child is moving or not, if they've even started kicking, so Alec can only hope that he and Magnus do not suffer the pain of a miscarriage.

With a slight comfort that Magnus is all right, Alec leaves the room, waiting for Cat to arrive.

It's an hour later when Cat arrives at the loft, she knocks on the front door. Alec lets her in, they greet each other with a smile and 'hello's.'

"Where is Magnus?" her voice is calm and gentle.

"In his room, he's been in there since last night."

Cat gives a quick nod as she makes her way back there, Alec at her heels. If something happens he wants to be in the room when it does. Entering the room Cat goes to her sleeping friend as Alec leans against the door frame, not wanting to intrude on the quick check-up. (Particularly if Magnus wakes up, because Magnus may not want him to be in the room after what happened last night.)

The Warlock nurse gets to work using her magic to make sure that Magnus and the baby are okay. As her hands move over Magnus, magic seeping into the sleeping Warlock, Alec's heart hammers in his chest. Is Magnus all right? Is their baby? Was he too late in getting Magnus help and Cat can't save him or their child? Are some of the thoughts running through Alec's mind.

Cat is done thirty minutes later. "How is he?"

"Magnus is going to pull through," Alec relaxes a little bit. "However he was drugged, I can't say for sure which drug and why but it is making its way out of his system."

"And the baby?"

"Your baby is going to be fine." She smiles. "The drug doesn't seem to be affecting them, but I do know the gender, would you like to?"

Does Alec want to? Yes. But Magnus should also know first and not hear it from him.

"No." Alec shakes his head. "I want to find out when Magnus does."

"All right. I'll be back within the next week for a proper check-up, for the time being I suggest no more going out to eat, only eat home cooked meals until we know how and why Magnus was drugged and by whom."

"Okay. Thank you."

"Anything for friends."

Cat then opens a portal to her own home, steeping through, leaving the expecting parents alone. Alec goes back to Magnus, kneeling at the side of the bed, running his hand through Magnus' hair. "You're going to be okay," Alec says to Magnus, "you and our child both. You just need to wake-up."

Giving Magnus one last look, Alec leaves the room and goes into the kitchen to start making breakfast, taking Catarina's advice and not ordering take-out. Opening the fridge Alec sees a variety of foods to eat; he decides on making eggs and toast, hoping that Magnus can keep them down.

By the time he's done with the toast and eggs Alec hears a yawn and someone entering the kitchen. "What are you still doing here?" Magnus' voice isn't vile, just curious.

"You passed out last night, I stayed to make sure nothing else happened."

"What did happen?" Magnus raises an eyebrow. Alec fills him in from the moment Magnus passed out to the appointment with Cat. Magnus doesn't even let him finish as he looks down at his stomach, worrying about their child.

"Cat says our child is fine, the drug isn't affecting him or her."

"How is that possible?"

"I don't know. Perhaps because they're half-Shadowhunter and half-Warlock it may take more for any actual affect, even a small one, to happen."

"And the food?"

Normally a huge blush would be making its way up Alec's neck to his cheeks, and while one is happening, it's not as big as it used to be.

"Cat said no more eating out until we know how, why, and who drugged you."

"So you made eggs and toast? For the two of us?"

"I hope you don't mind; I didn't want to leave with information I know and leave you curious."

Magnus is silent for a moment. "No one has ever done this for me before." Alec hears him mumble. Not saying a word the two eat in silence. They're almost done when Magnus asks, "shouldn't you be at the Institute?"

"I'm on leave until my wound is healed, my mother also wants me to stay to make sure that no one comes after you."

Magnus snickers. "I don't need a bodyguard."

"I know that, however we shouldn't run the risk of the person who drugged you finding out that you're alone, they could try and drug you again or worse; they could kidnap you and I may not be able to find you."

Placing his fork down Magnus closes his eyes, thinking of something that is giving him confliction. "I need to get ready for work, you can stay in the loft while I'm out doing business."

Alec knows that Magnus is trying to compromise, however the possibility of Magnus being alone, the thought of a stranger looking at Magnus and his unborn child as if Magnus is a conquest (yes, some Betas and Alphas----even Omegas----are like that). With out seeing another way to look at the situation Alec agrees to stay at the loft while Magnus goes out.

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