Episode 9

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Nina was driving with Anton in the passenger seat with no destination in mind. They had just got done dropping off Ryan and Macey after spending the day with them. Anton got comfortable and yawned "Oh man I'm hungry." "What do you mean you're hungry? It's almost midnight," Nina explained. Anton stroked his chin. "Well what I mean is I wanna eat some food, preferably pizza," Anton said. "Hmm okay then," Nina said as she started driving towards her favorite pizza place in Kingsley.

Anton I'm worried about what can happen if you continue to lie about who's holding the docks to Nick. Well Aika told me to not tell anyone her involvement, and she's not really someone you want to cross either. I've ran through it multiple times. There isn't a scenario where either you or Nina go unharmed if you continue to lie to Nick, you need to go offensive with this and tell Nick what's going on. NIck definitely does not want to be paying money to use his docks and if he finds out somebody he is supposed to have a non competitive agreement with is playing him like this he won't be happy. You should push this off of you as soon as possible. Wait how is Nina involved in this? What do you mean how is she involved in this? Even though she doesn't know what's going on currently this is a matter involving her current boyfriend, her ex girlfriend, and her father she couldn't be more involved. Take out a variable and she'll be less involved, and the only variable you have direct control over is yourself in this situation. Oh man you're right. Yeah think about it in this situation you're either betraying the trust of her ex girlfriend or her father the choice shouldn't be too difficult.

"Anton! Anton! Hey!" Nina was trying to get his attention. Anton snapped out of the trance he was in. "Oh I'm sorry," Anton said. "Hmm, you zoned out for a minute there. We're here at the pizza place," Nina said. "Good I'm starving," Anton said. "Seems so," she joked. They got out the car went inside, and ordered a whole cheese pizza for the two of them.They sat down and waited for their pizza. The pizzeria was virtually empty save for the employees and one other couple sitting in the other corner. "I would hate to start a conversation about work, but how come you've never tried prosecuting your father?" Anton asked. Nina was caught off guard by what Anton asked. "Well there's multiple reasons actually. One I or anyone for that matter doesn't have all the evidence to put him away for all the stuff he does and has done. Two my dad has it in with a few higher ups within the city including a bunch of the police departments. He won't admit it, but I'm sure being his daughter helped me become a Detective as quickly as I did. Three my jurisdiction doesn't really coincide with what my father has staked a huge claim on. I double as a missing person's investigator and homicide Detective. I don't invest any sort of black market activities. As long as he doesn't start dropping bodies here and there, which a formal deal with him and those higher ups I mentioned before have agreed that he won't be bothered as long as the number of people who get hurt is as low as possible. More importantly he made a deal with my mother to do his business as peacefully and clean as possible, and I promised my mom that I will make sure that deal doesn't get broken before she passed. Also if my father's gang went down there would be city wide criminal disarray he's the web that keeps the city as prosperous and safe that it is. You take him out and everyone will scramble to take the chips he leaves on the table. This isn't some lie I tell myself to sleep better at night either. It's tough to justify crime in that way I know, but I couldn't bring myself to successfully bring my father down and lead to a situation where hundreds of people would get hurt. I can't bring myself to make that decision," Nina finished her long winded explanation. "Hmm," Anton said somberly as he placed his hand on her shoulder.

Their order was called and they grabbed it and brought it back to the table. They both dug in into the pizza. They almost finished the whole pizza leaving only one slice left. Nina noticed how much they both ate together and laughed. "I think this relationship is going to workout," Nina joked. Anton burped before laughing along with her. "Yeah I'm full now," Anton admitted. Nina shook her head in agreement and they both walked out the pizzeria and back to Nina's car. "Okay I'm fed and want to go home now," Anton said aloud. "Well I don't wanna drive all the way back to Bronzebell." "It's late the traffic will be lighter back to my place. It shouldn't take too long," Anton explained. "Yeah well I don't want you to go home," Nina edged on Anton. He was not seeing any of her hints. "But I'm like tired," Anton professed. "I'm not," Nina shrugged. "Well I am!" Anton said now slightly annoyed with her. Nina shook her head. "Oh god. I'm really trying to be cute about this, but you're making it pretty hard Anton. Can you just come to my place?" she said somewhat embarrassed and with a shoulder shrug. Anton's face became red from realizing what she was playing at. Nina blushed as well. "So is that a yes? I'm going to respect your bounds. So if it's a no, it's a no," she said. "Come to think of it my house is pretty far," he said. Nina laughed and gave a nod. She turned on the car, and began to drive back to her house.

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