Episode 2

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  "I'm the girl that pulled you over earlier. I hope you didn't get pulled over by a bunch of women today?" Nina said. "Nah your the only one who pulled me over today who I gave my number to, but I didn't think you'd actually call me that's crazy," Anton said aloud. "So you just give out your number to people who you think aren't gonna call you that's not good," she said, Anton laughed. "So what's up?" he asked. "Well I was going to go see a movie with somebody I met over online and they bailed. She had me buy two tickets and everything. Like what a bitch right?" Nina genuinely gasped. "Excuse me I'm sorry, I'm just a little flustered, and I'm sure she had a good reason or whatever. But I was wondering if you'd like to help me not waste a ticket?" Nina finished. Anton thought for a second. "Yeah I'm down, what movie are we watching?" He wondered. "It's called A Long night." "Isn't that a horror movie?" Anton asked worriedly. "Your not scared of horror movies right? Cause if you are I bet we can exchange the tickets for a different movie," Nina said to Anton. "Oh no not at all," Anton lied to her.

Nina stood out the theater wearing a black T-shirt and an unbuttoned mostly pink Hawaiian shirt and pink sunglasses different from the ones she wore earlier. She stood there pacing, she was slightly agitated because Anton was supposed to be there ten minutes ago and the movie was about to start. Nina looked at her watch, but as soon as she looked up Anton was in front of her. "Hey what's up, I'm sorry I kept yah waiting." "It's all good. But we gotta go in now the movie is going to start any second now," Nina replied. They quickly walked in and went through the main lobby and got into the screening room. Seats weren't to terribly hard to find.

The movie was just starting as they sat down. "Oh wow we got in right on time. Nice," Nina whispered to Anton. Anton nodded in agreement at what she said.

As time went on and the movie became more suspenseful, Anton became more tense. In scenes where the obligatory jump scare seemed imminent he closed his eyes and looked away. Nina enjoyed the wait between each good scare, and she found the movie itself to be entertaining. Nina began to notice his tension. At first Nina looked at this as him playing around but it became quite obvious that his fear was genuine. She put her hand over his and felt his trembling. She then leaned over to him and whispered so nobody would be bothered by any noise. "Hey, this movie is dumb let's go do something else," she said. Nina grabbed his hand and lead him out the theater.

What a loser.

They both stood directly besides each other now. Anton shyly looked at the ground. "Thanks, Nina," Anton mumbled. "That movie was kinda dumb. Really predictable, blah blah blah, something's in the forest. Nothing too mind blowing," Nina said to Anton, he chuckled at her comment. "I'm like kinda hungry now there's an awesome sushi place down the street. We won't even have to take our cars. It's my treat let's go," Nina said as she started charging towards the restaurant. Anton also hungry followed suit.

Inside the restaurant they found a beautifully laid out scenery. Anton took a liking to this. "I like the set up in here it's nice," he said. Nina nodded. They were quickly brought to a table and in no time a waiter got to them, took their order, and served them. They both enjoyed the sushi they ordered. "So what do you do? For work that is besides rap?" Nina asked in an exuberant tone. Anton thought about that for a second. "Well I work in consulting," he answered. "Oh awesome, what do you consult?" She said. Anton racked his brain again.

Tell her you're a criminal consultant and you consult in criminal business. I can't say that she's a cop.

"Well I'm a business consultant, I help out local businesses with matters and give advice and all that," Anton mustered the words. "So are you like an expert in business?" She asked him. "Ehh I wouldn't say that," he smiled. The waiter interrupted their conversation. "Who's taking the bill?" The waiter asked. Nina waved her hand to tell the waiter she was taking the bill. Anton was about to open his mouth to interject but Nina deflected him "Shut up, I said this was on me." Anton heard her clearly and gladly backed down.

After Nina paid they walked back to the movie theatre's parking lot. They stood in front of Anton's car looking directly at each other's faces. "I know it's only the first date but I payed for the food and everything aren't you gonna kiss me?" Nina asked jokingly as she puckered her lips. Anton locked up he wasn't sure what to do. A few seconds passed by of Anton stalling. "Ooo sorry buddy you missed your chance," Nina said as she leaned in and quickly pecked him on the cheek. She waved goodbye, walked to her car and drove away.  

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