Episode 5

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Nina looked at Aika's pitch black eyes, and dark ebony hair and glanced at the short grey silk dress she was wearing. But then her attention was drawn to the gun she was holding again. “Give me your gun Nina?” Aika ordered while putting out her hand. Nina reluctantly gave up her firearm. “Is he holding any weapons?” Aika asked as both Nina and Aika turned to Anton. “Oh me? No, nope I don't have anything on me,” Anton answered. Aika pushed Nina aside, walked up to Anton and pressed the gun up to his head. “What kind of an idiot walks onto an assassin’s property with nothing to defend themselves with?” Aika asked with a confused look as she pressed the gun harder against Anton's head.

Well she's definitely the most attractive person to point a gun at us. If she’s gonna be the one to kill us I'd be okay with that.

“A devilishly handsome idiot,” Anton said with a smirk. Aika with the gun still pressed against his head turned to Nina “Really Nina, this guy? I should just shoot him now. Save everyone the trouble,” Aika announced. “No please don’t kill him,” Nina shook her head as she spoke. “Yeah don't kill me. Especially not right here. I might end up haunting your house,” Anton added. Aika sighed she grabbed her gun by the barrel and pistol-whipped Anton in the head knocking him out.

Nina was sitting down on a couch. With Anton still unconscious sprawled out on a chair in the same room. Aika came into the room with two glasses of red wine. She sat down beside Nina crossing her legs. She passed one of the glasses to Nina. Nina took the glass, and took a sip from it. “You didn't need to hit him like that,” Nina said to her. Aika shrugged “He was annoying me, and I wanted it to be just us ladies talking,” she said. Nina took a deep breath and melted a bit into the couch. “Uhhh. You would think murdering a bunch of people and becoming an assassin would make you I don't know scarred or something. But nope still just as hot,” Nina thought aloud. Aika smiled. “Thank you. I guess?” “You're welcome,” Nina said rolling her eyes. “You haven't changed much either, you're still quirky. And the sexiest girl I know,” Aika said to her. Nina rolled her eyes again. She gulped down the rest of her drink, and placed it on the table which lied between the girls and Anton. “Hey let's calm down with the compliments that guy over there the one you knocked out yeah, we got something going on and I like him.” Aika put down her half full glass. “Shut up,” Aika said as she leaned in to kiss Nina, but before she got close to her Nina put out her arm and placed her hand on Aika's face. “I don't care how many glasses of wine you have me drink Aika. Drunk or not I'm not gonna have some weird fling with yah. I'm in a relationship-” Nina quickly looked at Anton. “-well sorta,” she finished. Aika grabbed her glass and took another sip.

Aika got up. “So, why are you here if not for old company?” She asked. “I need to know why did you and your dad come back here?” Nina said. “My dad came here cause he needs something from your dad. I'm still not sure what exactly he needs but he’s pretty sure he can get it from your father. I don't know if you know this but your dad runs a pretty extensive black market on tech. Well anyways my dad wanted to meet with your father's people they picked a neutral spot, had the meeting and someone fired and a gunfight started not sure which side started it. I myself wasn't there,” Aika finished. “Dang my dad didn't tell me why the meeting was set up or about whatever you guys wanted,” Nina said. “Hmm, my father didn't tell me any of this either. He kept me in the dark about this too,” Aika said to her. “Well then how'd you find out then,” she responded. “One of my father's men who was at the meeting told me what he knew. He's got a crush on me and does for me almost whatever I want. Poor guy doesn't know I'm gay,” she smirked. Nina stood up and quickly kissed Aika on the cheek. “Thanks for telling me all this,” Nina said right after she kissed her. Aika was wiping Nina’s lipstick from her cheek. “Nina you gotta be careful, whatever this thing is my dad wants it badly. I also smell interference from an outside group. So always have an eye open,” Aika said.

Nina moved over to Anton and started shaking him. “To tell you the truth I’m curious but also don't want much to do with this Aika. As long as no civilians get hurt it's not my problem. But it was nice to see you,” Nina said to Aika as she was trying to wake up Anton. Anton’s eyes opened but he was still not all together Nina started helping him to the door. She looked back “Also I didn't forget Aika that's the only kiss your getting from me,” with that Nina left almost dragging Anton out.

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