Chapter 21

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No. This can't be.

Yera lays still on the ground clutching her stomach. Amia's kneeling and crying over Yera. Awry looks at me.

"I suggest you go back home, girlie. This is no place for you. You're not really helping, you know. You're just getting your friends killed." She croaks. Her stomach is bleeding.

When Yera stabbed the knife into Awry's stomach, Awry sent her hand up to Yera's stomach and released some sort of death spell.

I may not have known Yera for very long, but I know that she's a good friend.

"You'll pay for this." Amia says getting up and holding Awry's wand. "I don't see how I can do that." Awry says moving her hand in a circular motion over her wound. It starts closing. No. She can't.

"Amia!" Isis says flying over. "Oh, no." She says landing. "What is it, Isis?" Amia asks still looking at Awry and still aiming the wand at her. "Dragon Lair is okay. Giant's Keep is okay. They won. But the fairies realm is gone. Wane and Uma died." Isis says quietly bending down to stroke Yera'a hair like she's a baby. Amia's eyes turn from sad to angry.

"Where are the fairies?" I ask. "In Dragon Lair. Not all though. Some are in the hospitals." Isis says. Amia starts shooting at Awry. Awry's weaker now. We can beat her.

"How about the others?" I ask. "They're on the battlefield. Don't know how they are now, though." Isis replies carrying Yera and lifting off.

I face Awry. She faces me. I dig deep and release a storm onto her. Lightning electrocutes her. Thunder deafens her ears, and hail pours down on her causing her to bend and kneel. I spread darkness over her eyes. Fire starts creeping up on her. I look at Amia. Her fire is not just red or orange. Not even yellow. It's green and blue. Fire turns those colors when the user or controller is really mad.

Awry's legs burn. She can't withstand the rage of Amia. Awry's legs are now paralyzed forever.

I feel like I should be helping more. I stare at Awry and think of plants, large Venus Fly Traps wrapping around her. Before she can release herself, I add fire to the plants. Now, they're burning. I will the air to ignite the fire even more. Then, I will a big bulge of water to drown her while she's being burned. After a few minutes, I get my boomerang and swing it. I grab it as it comes back and watch as Awry starts kneeling again. Blood running down her lip and her stomach.

I turn away. I never wanted to do this. I look back and see Amia electrocuting her. Lightning seems to be the best. I join in. Then, just as we thought we won, Awry bursts out of the bubble and rips off the plants although she's still weak.

I will the plants back and I give all my powers. I change into a lion and pounce on her releasing all my powers as I do. Amia screams my name. But I can't hear her. I'm slipping away.

I glance at Awry before I become unconscious. She's dead. Good. At least my friends will be safe.

And I slip away.

The Exiled Princess (sequel to Esther)Where stories live. Discover now