Fallen part 2

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This is fallen part númeo dos! Q.O.T.D If you could live anywhere with any boy, who and where would it be? comment answers! There may be a surprise waiting for you later.

"So your Luke?" I ask him a little shaky in the voice.

"Yeah. You must be Arely. I heard I'll be in your class for the time being." He says relaxed. Dang. I probably sound like a blubbering Walrus.

"Yes. My little puppy." I say laughing. No! he didn't say anything back, crap. He'll think I'm some sort of weirdo and back away from me when he gets here.

"Ha. Well I have to go. International calls are not cheap. Bye Arely." I hear him hang up. Well now this will be the start of misery. I like his accent though. When he said my name it sounded like 'Awleee' cute.

"Are you done talking?" my little annoying brother asks. "I want to eat already and we can't with out you!" Danny shouts.

"Coming little booger." I sigh. I sit down to dinner and we have 'a normal' conversation.

"So Arely how was your talk with Luke?" my mother chirps in first.

"Oh nothing much. We just exchanged names and I ensured that I would be his guide."

"Well you better be nicer. I don't want him to be all by himself! He's coming half way across the world leaving his family. So I expect your best behavior over the next six months little lady!" My mom is such a hypochondriac. Just because we didn't talk much doesn't mean I'm damning him to hell.

"Geez Mom! He said he had to go cause of the cost of minutes. Not because I'm leaving him alone."

"Just taking careful measures Arely."

"Fine mom. But you have to promise that Mercedes won't interfere."

"Mmmmooooom!!!" Mercedes yells. "I just have to be best friends with him. I've already told half if my class. Anyways, Arey is too ugly. He'll obviously only want to be seen in public with me."

"Yeah um Saide, you're thirteen. Luke is seventeen. Oh, and Alice Hallowell wants him too. Good luck getting him before her." Alice was one of those school bitches that everybody hates, but still. Some how she managed to be super popular and have tons of boyfriends.

I seriously don't get guys. It's like "I want a good respectable girl to bring home to mom. Oh, I guess I'll go for the girl wearing no clothes who already had three boyfriends." Ugh. Sometimes guys are such idiots.

"Well Arels, just like deal with it. You're not that pretty." With that she flips her dyed hair and stomps off texting.

"I'm calling it a night." I say tired.

"Get some rest Arely. I want you and Nat to go to the airport with me tomorrow night." My mother says.

"Really? I get me going. But why Natalia? She's just a baby. She'll probably fall asleep."

"Yes exactly. Nat's a baby so he won't be as intimidated. A baby can really be quite relaxing so she's coming." My mom is a psychologist so she thinks she knows everything about feelings and the brain. But hello!! You got you're degree in the late 80's. A lot has changed since then.

"Okay then. What about homework?" I ask.

"We aren't leaving until late. Probably 9 o'clock. Then we won't get to the airport till about 10." We live deep in suburbia. So it's about an hour away till the big city.

I trudge up the stairs exhausted from the day. How did Autumn even know that he was coming? The guidance counselor didn't even come till homeroom. Ya know, I'm so tired I don't even know. I decide to go to sleep and await tomorrow's fate.

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