43. In Search of the Forlorn

Start from the beginning

"In the hold," Adam said, jerking his chin toward the airship. "Have your men unload it, and we'll go get our people."

The smuggler nodded, turning to bark some orders at the men and women behind him. They rushed forward as Khan opened the hold for them.

"The five hoppers we promised you are in there too," Bo said.

The smuggler grinned. "You may be late, but at least you're honest," he said. "I'd be careful of that honesty, though. Could get in you in trouble."

Bo laughed sharply. "Oh, we know," she said.

While the smugglers unpacked the guns and hoppers, a guide walked Adam and Bo and the rest to a long tent where the Forlorn were laying on cots. At the sight of their leaders, smiles and greetings erupted in a loud blur of activity. People rushed them, grabbing their hands and slapping their backs, saying how they were so glad they hadn't been forgotten. Mi pushed forward, relief visible on his face.

"We were beginning to think we were going to end up as feed for the smuggler's dogs," he whispered to Adam.

"It's a long story. We'll tell you later," Adam said.

Not wishing to infringe on the smuggler's goodwill any longer, the Forlorn made short work of packing up and heading to the airship which was now free of the gifts to the smugglers. The people boarded under the directions of Helga and Khan, and any that were still in need of medical help were seen to by Esme. Bo walked with Mi, telling him about why they were late coming back, and about the militia's fall, as Adam said the final farewells to the smugglers.

A half hour later, they were given a very stern and deadly warning by the smugglers to never tell a soul of their location, and then, finally, they were cleared to leave.

Khan piloted the airship up and out of the smuggler's camp, and then they were free. Free to go where they wanted and live how they wanted. Free from the militia, for now, and from pressing needs other than settling down and gathering their supplies.

The airship was crowded, noisy, and hot, but none of that mattered to anyone. They all shared stories and listened with rapt attention to the story of what happened to their leaders while they were away. And when that story was over, they began to talk about what Lan's new recruits would be like and what could come of a world without the militia. Mi, however, seemed caught up on a different aspect of the story.

"Helga saved your life?" he asked, glancing at where Helga was laughing with Esme.

Bo nodded. "Multiple times. She even gave me blood when I was being operated on by the militia doctors." She smiled slowly. "I'm sure she must have been close to passing out herself, due to the exhaustion of fighting Clayton and then lugging around Khan and myself, but she still gave the blood. It was very brave of her. Very selfless."

She watched him, and saw his eyes, for the first time, soften when looking at Helga. The hard coldness was no longer there, and for once he actually had an expression while watching Helga.

"She didn't used to care that much about other people," he said, looking back at Bo. "I could still sense the woman from the past. The one who was part of the reason my... my Kida was killed."

Bo sighed. "I don't think she wants to be that person anymore," she said. "But if you want to know more, then go ask her. She'll tell you more than I can, and perhaps you'll find out things that will surprise you."

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