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This is an mpreg. I love these kinds of stories so if they creep you out please just don't read it. Most people are gonna hate this one

  Pony was in the kitchen making his husbands favorite meal. A smile was present on his face as he pulled out a pan of brownies. Johnny was at work, and wasn't even aware that Pony was home.

  Ponyboy had taken the day off to go to the doctors to get a special test done, and he was rewarded with some pleasant results.

He heard the door open and close. "Pony?" Johnny's voice rang out as he walked into the kitchen. His face brightened at the sight of his husband, but he was still confused. He gave him a hug and pecked his lips. "What are you doing home so early?"

  "I thought I'd stay home today and clean up the house; cook dinner for my lovely Johnnycake." He shrugged.

  Johnny chuckled and pulled out two plates, beginning to set the table. "Thanks baby, but I could have helped you. I don't think it would hurt if we both took off for one day."

  "Well...I guess it's too late now." Pony set all the food out on the table and then sat down himself. They made their plates and began eating. "So how was your day?"

Johnny shrugged. "Long as usual, but it wasn't too terrible."

"That's good..." Pony smiled.

Johnny raised an eyebrow and laughed. "You sure are acting different today, aren't you?"

"Yeah, I guess so." Pony took a bite, and took his time chewing it. "Am I annoying you?"

"No baby. You rarely annoy me."

  "Hmm..." Ponyboy giggled. "Baby..."


He snapped his head up, cursing himself for possibly ruining the surprise. "I-I just love when you call me that..."

Johnny smiled and reached across the table, grabbing Pony's hand. "I love you, baby."

"I love you too."

The rest of their dinner was filled with idle bandy. They each talked about their days, with one leaving out a very important detail.

When their meal was finished, Pony stood and began cleaning up the table. Johnny got up too and kissed his cheek. "Thanks for dinner made all my favorites..."

  "It's the least I could do for you..."

  "Well the least I could do for you is clean up. Is there one place in our house that you didn't clean?"

  "Well...I didn't get around to our bedroom..." he looked down to hide his grin.

  Johnny smiled and pulled out a few cleaning products from under the sink. "Then I'll go clean that right now." He pecked Pony's lips one more time and then disappeared into the bedroom.

  Ponyboy continued doing the dishes, anxiously waiting for Johnny to find the surprise. Just a few minutes later, he heard, "Hey Pony?" And Johnny cane running into the kitchen, holding a piggy bank and the note that was attached to it. His hands were shaking lightly. "Ponyboy this note say 'You have nine months to save...'" he took a deep breath. "Does this mean what I think it means?"

Pony turned off the sink and turned around, drying his hands. "Well what do you think it means?"

Johnny set down the bank on the kitchen table, afraid that he might break it. "I think that it means we're gonna be parents?" His voice got a bit higher. "Is it true?" Ponyboy grinned and nodded quickly. "Oh my god!" Johnny exclaimed and ran over to him, enveloping him in a tight hug. "Pony you're having a baby! You're having a baby!" He squeezed him tight, before quickly letting go, afraid he was going to hurt his child.

Pony laughed and wiped his eyes, which had begun to have tears fill them. "We're having a baby."

  Johnny's eyes had begun watering as well. He grinned and kissed Pony hard, before pulling away and then bending down. He lifted up Pony's shirt and began kissing all over his stomach. "Hi baby, it's your daddy. I already love you so much..."

  Ponyboy sniffed and grinned down at his husband. Johnny placed one more kiss on Pony's stomach before standing back up and taking Pony's hand. "I promise, I will do everything in my power to protect the both of you. I promise to be better than my parents. No matter what, I will protect both of you."

  Pony smiled and kissed Johnny's head. "You don't have to promise me anything. I know that you'll always stick with me." He wiped away some of Johnny's tears. "I love you..."

  "I love you too," he grinned and kissed him. Johnny looked down and rubbed Pony's stomach. "And I love you baby. So much..."

  Pony giggled. "Let me finish the dishes real quick and then we can go to bed." He moved to the sink but Johnny stopped him.

  "No, no, no. I don't want you to do anything." He gently pulled him back. "I'll do it."

  Pony poked out his lip. "Johnnycakes I'm hardly even four weeks along. I think I'll be fine."

  Johnny shook his head. "If it's not absolutely an  necessary chore for you to do, then I'm doing it. I don't care what you say. You just take care of our baby, that's plenty of work for you."

  "Whatever you say..." pony laughed.

  When they snuggled up in bed with each other that night, Johnny's hands were resting on Ponyboy's stomach the entire night.

  "I love you two..." he whispered as he drifted off to sleep.

  Pony grinned. "And I love you..."

Let's see how many people hate me because of this now. I know people think these types of stories are really weird but if it's with a pairing I like I really enjoy them

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