Unexpected Date

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Johnny sat at a table, patiently waiting for his date, Dallas Winston to show up.

He was just a few minutes late, but that was Dally. Never on time and definitely never early.

The boy frequently kept glancing out the window, praying that he would see him walking up soon.

"Hi, can I start you off with any appetizers or are you ready to order?" A waitress walked over to his table and asked, smiling lightly.

"O-oh...I'm a-actually waiting for someone. I'll be ready to order once they get here." Johnny let out a shaky breath and looked down.

"Okay then I'll be back soon." She smiled and walked off.

The raven haired greaser sighed and took a sip of his drink. "He's just late." He told himself. "He'll be here soon."

But more and more minutes passed and Johnny became unsure.

The waitress had come over a couple more times but eventually stopped, and Johnny was grateful for that.

He was starting to become embarrassed, because people around him had started looking over and giving him sympathetic looks.

Those looks were starting to get on his nerves. He wanted to crawl in a hole and just die.

Dallas had stood him up. It was plain to see that now. Too much time had passed by.

Johnny's lip quivered but he tried hard to keep it together. Just as he was about to get up and leave, a stranger sat down in front of him and began speaking loudly.

"Babe I'm so sorry I'm late! You have no idea how crazy today has been!" The boy exclaimed.

Johnny raised his eyebrows, and the person across from him whispered, "I'm Ponyboy, whoever stood you up is a real asshole because you're beautiful. Please just go with this."

Johnny stared for just a second, and then decided that this would be a lot better than embarrassing himself.

"It's o-okay, I knew you'd show up." He stuttered and blushed deeply.

The boy, Ponyboy, smiled and leaned over, pecking Johnny's cheek. "Thanks for waiting. You ready to order?"

The sixteen year old nodded bashfully, as Pony called over the waitress.

"Get whatever you'd like. My treat, since I'm so late." Pony smiled and ordered a hamburger and a milkshake.

Johnny smiled at how nice this perfect stranger was being to him. "I-I'll have the same as him please."

"Alright." The waitress nodded and took both of their menus.

"So what's your name?" Pony asked, ignoring all the dirty looks he was getting from other people for supposedly showing up late.

"J-Johnny. And you said yours was Ponyboy?"

"Yeah," he chuckled. "what a name, huh? I happen to like it though."

"Yeah I do too. It's unique." Johnny found himself smiling again.

"I happen to like your name. It suits you." Ponyboy said, looking over Johnny. "Did you know you're really good looking?" He blurted out and Johnny blushed.

"N-no, actually. No ones ever told me that before. You're not too bad yourself." He giggled and smiled cockily.

The truth was, he thought that Pony was extremely handsome. That fact was a contributing factor as to why Johnny let him continue sitting with him.

Just a small factor.

Ponyboy smiled. "Thank you."

Johnny sighed and looked out the window, still half wanting Dally to show up. Not because he'd rather be with him, but because he kind of wanted him to see that Johnny was okay.

That he had already replaced him.

Dally wouldn't have to know whether or not that was true.

"I'm sorry," pony began. "am I making you uncomfortable? I can leave if you'd like..."

Johnny flinched. "N-no, please don't." He blushed heavily. "I mean you can if you want to, I just...I'd like you to stay."

Ponyboy giggled. "Alright then I will."

Their food came shortly after that, and both boys were thankful. There had been a rather long, awkward silence before that.

The waitress set both of their plates down in front of them, and Pony smiled at Johnny. "Well, I suppose we should eat."

Johnny nodded and they both took a bite of their burger.

He chewed once, twice, and the his face twisted into a look of disgust. Looking up he saw that pony's expression matched his.

They quickly spit out the food into a napkin and then stared at each other for a few seconds.

Ponyboy let out a snicker, then Johnny did, and pretty soon they were both dying laughing.

"That was the worst burger I have ever tasted!" Pony gasped out in between laughs.

Johnny nodded, clutching his stomach. "J-jeez that was bad..." they both managed to stop laughing, but once they looked back at their burgers, it all started over.

"This reminds me of a time at The Dingo when..."

And from there, there were no more of the awkward silences. Each conversation spun off a new one, and even after they finished their milkshakes, paid, and started walking out, they were still talking and having a good time together.

Pony was walking Johnny to his house, with their hands intertwined.

"Thank you," Johnny smiled. "this was a lot of fun."

"It was." Pony nodded and agreed. "Do you...you think that we can do this again? Like a for real date?"

Johnny nodded. "I'd say there's a good possibility." He glanced up at his house. "Let me go get a pen and I'll give you my number."

He spun on his heel and quickly went inside, retrieved a pen, and walked back out.

He had half expected Pony not to be there, but sure enough he was.

"H-here..." Johnny write down his number on pony's wrist. "I-I'd like to do this again."

Ponyboy smiled, and then looked up again. Quickly, he pressed a kiss to Johnny's cheek and started walking away. "I'll call, I promise!"

Johnny watched him walk away and then shyly placed a hand on his own cheek, as if he could still feel Pony's lips there.

With a small grin, he walked inside. He couldn't wait until Pony called.

Man I thought this was cute. I feel like I could write a bomb ass part two. Would anyone like a bomb ass part two?

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