Under the Sea

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This ones really far fetched, I understand if you hate it.

Pony's P.o.V.

I sat on the beach, breathing in the fresh air.

This was the best vacation the gang could have ever taken. It took some time, but eventually we made it to California, and right now I had the pleasure of enjoying the beach alone.

We had rented out a private villa on the beach, which was really cool. I just wished I had a friend to spend the time with.

The closest people to my age in the group were Soda and Steve. Steve couldn't stand me, and Soda would just rather hang out with his best bud.

Darry and Two-Bit stuck together, while Dallas like flirting with all the girls and didn't want any of the guys around to make him seem 'weak'.

I sighed lightly, wishing for something to do.

"What's wrong?" A voice shook me out of my thoughts.

I looked over to where the voice came from, expecting to see a member of the gang, but instead saw a boy with tan skin and curly black hair sitting in the water about ten feet away from me.

"What's wrong?" He asked again.

I flinched lightly and scooted back. "How did you get here?" I asked.

He shrugged. "Got lost, and saw you. You seemed sad."

"Oh..." I gave him a sideways glance, before standing up and walking closer to the strange boy. I sat down on the sand, not wanting to get wet at the moment. "Why don't you come up here and join me?"

He shook his head. "No thanks, I like being in the water."

I shrugged, and decided to wade out to him. "What's your name?"

"Johnny." He smiled.

"Hi," I stuck out my hand. "My names Ponyboy Curtis."

"That's a long name." Johnny said, staring at my hand.

I raised an eyebrow and eventually took the hint that he wasn't going to shake it, so I just set it back in the water.

"I guess it is. Where are you from?" I said, wanting to make a friend, even if this boy seemed a little odd.

"The ocean. I've never really been this close to a human before. It's a lot cooler than I thought! My mama and dad always told me that humans were mean, but so far you're really nice!" He had a huge, cute, and innocent smile.

I was extremely confused. What was he talking about? I stared at him for a second, wondering what he meant. It wasn't until I saw the flick of a fin, when I realized that he didn't have legs.

"Oh my God!" I yelled. "You're a mermaid?"

"I look like a girl to you?" He asked, completely serious. His lips stuck out in a slight pout.

"I mean uh...merman?" I said, correcting myself.

He nodded excitedly. "Yes! Look!" He lifted up his tail. It was long and muscular, with a nice purple color.

My mouth curved up in a smile. "Can I touch it?"

He nodded. "Sure."

Slowly, I reached out my hand and grazed against it. It wasn't slimy at all; it had more of the texture of a basketball. My hand flinched when it moved.

"That's crazy. I never knew that you guys were real." I said in disbelief.

"That's funny," he laughed a very adorable laugh. "we know all about humans. Most merfolk don't like them, but I thought they were cool."

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