The Same Mistakes

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I know I said I'd give y'all a part two but this idea came to me and I just HAD to do it!!! It's gonna be my favorite one I've ever done!

Johnny's P.o.V.

My eyelids slowly opened and I yawned quietly, not wanting to wake up but awake anyways.

I realized that my arms were around someone else who was in my bed. His name was Ponyboy. Memories from the previous night had come back to me.

We met at a bar, and he told me that he thought he was bisexual but wasn't for sure. I agreed to kiss him once, just to help him. I certainly didn't want to make the same mistake I always do, so I told myself that I could only kiss him once, even if he happened to be extremely good looking.

Unfortunately, one kiss led to two, which led to making out, which led to him coming home with me. This had happened many times.

It wasn't a rare occurrence for a guy to come with me every weekend. The problem is, I could never seem to pick up anybody who wasn't bi.

Every time I woke up, they would be gone. I didn't want that. I didn't want to be a guy who had a bunch of one night stands. I wanted a long, lasting relationship.

But the guys would never stick around.

I yawned again and glanced at the clock. It was about three a.m. and all of my depressing thoughts had made me sleepy again.

I tightened my grip around Ponyboy, and then fell asleep.


I woke up again when I felt Pony move out of my embrace. I let my eyes open into slits so I could watch him.

He looked at me for a second and then quietly slipped out of the room.

I let out a quiet, choked noise and covered my face with my hands.

I had let myself get attached to him. I always make the same mistake. I always picked up a guy who was either bisexual or just curious.

He'd humor me for one night and then leave. So many mornings I had woken up alone...I don't know why I thought he would be any different.

I let my guard down this time. Usually I forced down my emotions...but I really liked him. He led me on, acting as if he actually liked me too.

I wish that he would have just dropped a hint that I wasn't anything to him. That's what everyone else had done.

I continued to wallow in self-pity, feeling like crying.

But a few minutes later, my bedroom door creaked back open, and Pony crawled back into bed with me.

I gasped lightly and he flinched. "You're awake?"

I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him close. "Y-you came back?"

He chuckled lightly and rubbed my head. "Are you gonna be this clingy every time I get up to pee?"

I froze. "W-what do you m-mean every time?"

He frowned. "I mean...I mean that I'd like to start staying over here a lot, and I'm just wondering if you're gonna act like this every time I use the bathroom."

"I'm sorry I just...I thought you left. I thought you just wanted a one night stand." I buried my face in his shirt.

"No," Pony said slowly. "I really like you Johnny. I would like for us to become...something. I want to be with you."

I never thought I would make it to the day where I heard someone say that. He wanted to be with me.

"I want to be with you too. I like you, like a lot." I blushed and looked down.

He chuckled and tilted my head back up. "You're so cute."

My cheeks only got hotter as he leaned down and kissed me. It sent electricity all throughout my body, and if we hadn't been laying down, I knew that my knees would have buckled.

We pulled away and he shuddered. "I've never felt this way about's kind of scary."

My smile dropped. "You don't have to date me if you're not ready. I know that just yesterday you didn't even know if you were liked guys."

"I know I like you." He stated firmly. "Last night...I've never felt like that with anyone else. I want this to work."

"I do too." I looked down, smiling lightly.

Pony laid down all the way and snuggled into my chest. I hesitantly wrapped my arms around him, almost afraid that if I didn't hold on then he would slip away.

"Hey Johnny?" He yawned.


"I know that we just started dating, but I love you. I'm sure if it." He dug his face into my chest.

I felt like crying again, only this time out of happiness. He really felt something special for me. "I love you too. Thank you for not leaving."

"I could never leave you. Especially not after last night. You were so good." I could hear his smirk as I blushed deeply. "But seriously, you're so sweet and funny and overall amazing..."

I shyly kissed the top of his head. "You're more amazing than I could ever even pretend to be."

"I love you." He yawned and soon enough he fell asleep.

I fell asleep along with him, and this time I didn't doubt that he would be there when I woke up.

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