The Language of Love

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Glader_Greaser I was trying to find a scenario that would be cuter than the last one, since you said you doubted you'd love any other one more than it. This turned out to be different from what I was going for lol.

Johnny Cade absolutely loved his job. Some people might call him girly for owning a flower shop, but he didn't care. He loved being surrounded by all the beautiful colors and aromas.

He had just finished the walk to his shop and walked in. He hummed a song while taking time to water each of the plants. He didn't have anybody to help him do it, but he didn't mind.

The twenty-two year old liked working alone. He didn't have to worry about someone else messing up and accidentally killing all of the flowers. So he ran the shop by himself. Sure, it was time consuming and overwhelming at times, but he couldn't imagine it any other way.

After finishing watering everything, Johnny walked over to the door and flipped the 'closed' sign to 'open'. Finally ready to begin working, he walked behind the front counter and began making a bouquet of flowers for a wedding order.

He always loved when people came in requesting something for weddings. There was just something about love in general that made his heart flutter. One day, he knew that he would find someone to have and to hold, and he absolutely couldn't wait.

About twenty minutes into his day, the door burst open. Johnny flinched and looked up, seeing a boy who looked to be about his age storming in. He had green eyes and auburn hair with creamy skin and lovely dimples.

The boy stomped over to Johnny's counter, slapped a twenty dollar bill on it, and said: "What type of flowers say 'fuck you'?"

Johnny stared for a second, before letting out a snort, then a giggle, and then a full on laugh. "That was the most straight forward request anyone has ever asked."

The boy grinned lightly and shrugged. "I need some, you got any?"

Johnny nodded and stood, motioning for the other to follow him. He led him over to a section with bright pink flowers that had multiple layers and had a round shape. "These flowers are called peony's, they mean 'I'm angry at you'."

The slightly younger boy stared at them and shook his head. "I'm not just angry at them, I can't stand them!"

Johnny raised an eyebrow. "Hmm, follow me." He led them over to some new flowers. These were purple and grew straight up, with a bunch on one stalk. "These are basil flowers. They mean 'I hate you'."

His customer stared at those, and then frowned. "They're...they're too pretty."

"Did you have something specific in mind?" Johnny asked.

" don't happen to have a dumpster I can root through do ya?" He said, completely serious.

Johnny's eyes widened and he laughed. "Jeez, what did this person do to you?"

"Well, my brother Sodapop--"


"Cool name right? I've got a weird one too. It's Ponyboy."

"I like it. I'm Johnny." He smiled and they shook hands.

"Anyways, my brother Sodapop has this girlfriend who hates my guts! I'm serious, she can't stand me!" Pony rolled his eyes.

"Whys doesn't she like you?" Johnny asked, genuinely confused. He seemed likable enough.

"Probably because she knows my brother loves me more than her." He grinned. "Well, it's her birthday today and I have to get her a present. It may as well be something that I know is mean but she doesn't."

Johnny laughed and cracked a small smile. "I see your point."

Pony smiled back at him and sighed. "I suppose these flowers will be good enough. Can I have them?"

Johnny nodded and grabbed a few, quickly making a bouquet. They walked over to the front counter and Ponyboy checked out. "Thanks for telling me the hate flowers."

"You're welcome, it's my pleasure. Flowers are the language of love, or hate in your case." Johnny smiled and leaned against the table.

"You got any flowers that mean 'you're hot as hell and I want to take you out sometime?'" Pony smirked.

The other boys cheeks heated up. "I can look..."

"Well when you find them, keep them. They're yours." He grinned and gave him more money, while also grabbing a pen and writing down his number. "Say, does anyone else work here?"

Johnny who was still a bit flustered, began stuttering. "N-no...j-just me."

"You got any openings?"

Johnny remembered how he liked working alone, how he was scared some idiot would mess things up...but, if it was this particular idiot, then maybe it would be okay.

"You can start tomorrow if you'd like..." he said shyly.

Pony grinned. "Alright, see you then!"

Haha I actually loved this one.

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