2.26 - A Day with Emily

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"You look..." I trailed off trying to find an appropriate word. I had no intentions of handling a hormonal pregnant woman right now. "Huge?" Emily offered. "Well yeah.." I looked at her like she was a ticking time bomb that was about to burst any moment now.

"I can't wait to get him out. Don't get me wrong I already love him but this-" she gestured towards her protruding belly "-is sick." She made a disgusted face in the end.

"Tell me about it! Carrying the twins was much worse than this." I said. "True!" Emily had a relief face on as if she was grateful for carrying only one. I was about to speak but was cut off by the ding of the elevator. Emily and I turned our heads towards the direction of the elevator to find a blonde man walking in, dressed in a white button up that had few buttons undone along with dark blue dress pants and the same color blazer resting on his arms.

He looked exactly like the woman by my side so I knew they were related.

"Fatty!" He grinned at Emily who was scowling at him. Her expression clearly said that she didn't like his presence, existence for that matter. "What are you doing here?" She asked with a disgusting expression. "Aww! It's good to see you too sister. Glad you didn't pop without me." He smirked at her. Emily almost got up to attack him but I held her down. "Relax!" I said trying my best to hide my amusement.

I could clearly see the future of my kids in them.

As soon as I spoke the man's eyes landed on me. All the playfulness disappeared from his eyes, a blank look masked his features which made me confused. Then it clicked. Whenever he sees me, he's reminded of Alison. Maybe that's why he shut himself off.

"Sapphire! I don't think you've met my brother, Jacob! Jake, this is Sapphire, my friend." She introduced us, I almost missed the way she stressed on my name a little more than necessary. Nevertheless, I put on a smile and looked at Emily's twin. "It's nice to meet you."

He just looked at my outstretched hand and then at me and flashed a quick-fake-smile and nodded his head. "Let's go to the cafe." He said and quickly began to walk towards the elevator as he was expecting us to follow him. Beside me, Emily sighed before looking at me apologetically. "This is how he is. I would've said I'm sorry but he should be the one saying it." Emily shrugged her shoulders before smiling brightly at me. "Let's go!" She exclaimed and began to stand up.

"When I was in my trimester. I never left the couch." I said while helping her to walk towards the elevator. "That's exactly why we are best friends." She answered. "I mean, that's why we should be best friends." She rephrased but I already caught it. All these things just adds up to my doubts. Now only a certain blue-eyed person is left to confirm them.

But, why do I believe that he'll answer my questions truthfully?


The cafe was filled with hustle as people came in to celebrate the last day of their weekend. The waiter brought our orders, more like Emily's order. She ordered for all three of us, assuming that we'll want that. Jake and I didn't have the heart to tell her otherwise so that's the reason I was scowling at my cappuccino with whipped cream and a cherry on the top. I was trying my best to hide my scowl while Jake didn't make any attempts to do so. Well, mine is better than his at least considering he was being served with a cup of green tea with whipped cream.

He raised his eyes and looked at me. Together, our heads turned towards Emily who was calmly sipping on her black coffee and licking the frosting off her cake.

Jake looked back at me and motioned me to exchange our drinks. I quickly picked my cup and sipped on it. If possible Jake scowled deepened. I licked the cream on my upper lip while Jake slumped in his seat and pouted angrily.

My Husband's GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora