1. Scarlett Faith

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London, England

It was early in the morning, like the usual morning, nothing amazing or refreshing........ but it was still peaceful weather for Scarlett to just sleep for whole day, but her peace was broken when the curtains of her room were pulled

She groaned and buried her face in the pillow, screaming into it a little, just to let her frustration out

"Wake up Scarlett......... it's 7 in the morning" their maid 'Jenny' yelled

She wasn't just their maid, she was like a family member to everyone........ she was almost Scarlett's age, they've known each other since they were in diapers........ She was Scarlett's best friend and Scarlett's mum considered her as her own child

"Seven.......... I have never woken up this early" Scarlett muffled into the pillow

"Whatever has not happened till now, will begin from today......... your marriage got fixed yesterday .......... Now you are just a guest here for some time....... Soon you'll have to go to your husband's house........ you mother wants you to change your habits. Like, wake up in the morning at 7....... Make your own bed.......... Then learn some cooking from uncle Tim" Jenny kept rambling........ Scarlett heard her talking and shuffling around the room, knowing that she might be cleaning the mess from yesterday

She slapped Scarlett's bicep to wake her up but Scarlett yanked her wrist and brought her towards the bed to sit

"I am not going to change for anyone ....... I am who I am..... , tell them already" Scarlett said, her face was still buried in the pillow, like it's no big deal....... Jenny chuckled before replying

"oh, your cool attitude won't work anymore....... You are lucky that they've chosen you because of your beauty....... I hope your manners won't turn them away....... Or you'll be spinster for life" Jenny yelled walking out of the room....... But before she could cross the door, she heard Scarlett yelling like a child

"I am the way I am....... And I'll always be" Scarlett yelled, Jenny turned to see her jumping on her bed

"Urghh...... Scarlett, please get down, you are making it a mess" Jenny said, pulling her out of the bed

"Go and take shower......... Mum might be waiting for you for the breakfast" Jenny said, pushing her towards the bathroom

"And Dad?" Scarlett asked

"Nuh huh, he is out of town for some work" Jenny said...... Scarlett left an 'oh' out of her mouth before heading to take a quick shower


"What's going on?" Scarlett asked, coming downstairs, she noticed her mom sitting in the living room talking to a bunch of people

"We are finishing things for your wedding darling" her mum replied.......... She peeked from her mum's shoulder to see the list for the venue

"Mum.......... I don't like lilies" Scarlett made a face

"But........ Abbott does" Jenny interrupted from the corner, indicating about Scarlett's fiance

"But ......... its not just his wedding, its mine too.......... And I want my choices involved as well" Scarlett said

It was purely business wedding, Scarlett wasn't really in love with Abbott, God!! She didn't even like him, he was a dick, he didn't treat people with kindness, he didn't care if someone was injured or something, he walks on the ground as if he owns the world. Its just her dad made the deal because of the political affairs and she had to marry him ............. But least they could do was, give her choices some preference

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