Boys, Sports, and an Old Japanese Man~ Chap. 2

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Let me know what you think (: Next Chapter we meet Aiden :D

:) By the way if you're open to new things then check out MsRenzybenzy's story Misery Buisness. I'm a fan of hers so just click her little picture :D trust me, you won't regret it (:


"Two days left!!" Steph yelled "You have to get this walk down!" I'd been pacing around the apartment for almost two hours but my hips still swung like a girls.

"Try it like this Charls." Chris started to explain again "Pretend you hate your butt but love your boobs. Remember a guys center of gravity is in his chest!" I sighed and tried it again. and again. and again. for about another hour.

"Woah.."Kinsy said "That looks decent." I grinned and tried to keep it up.. I felt my hips swing every now and then but mostly I had it under control.

"Let's try it in town!" Steph exclaimed suddenly but once seeing my look she hastily added "I mean just go hit on a girl and see if she takes it. If she looks at you like you're crazy, then we'll know you need even more work." I definately did NOT want to do this but before I could say anything I was thrown over Chris's shoulder and hauled to my truck.

"I'm a guy now! You can't just throw me over your shoulder!" I grumble to them starting up my truck. I don't let anyone else drive my baby except Chris. Steph tells me turn into the Custard stand parking lot. She said it was because I could find some good girls here but I know she just wanted ice cream.

"I don't see anyone good." I say before digging into my Caramel Sundae

Steph glanced around before saying, "Let's just hang out here for awhile, someone good will come sooner or later." Two sundaes later, I'm feeling nauseous and not a single girl has came around.

"Maybe we should just go back." I suggest after Kinsy finishes off her third Vanilla cone. I spoke to late though, a girl climbed out of red convertible, she was blonde and looked shorter than me.

"Go for it Char." Chris encouraged me, pushing me off my seat.

I pull in a deep breath and let it out before walking up to her she had just ordered and was digging for some money. Ok good first impression, I'll offer to pay "Here, let me." I hand over the money before she can refuse.

She looks me up and down before speaking "Thanks, I owe you." She smiles and one of her hands went up to twirl a strand of her hair, her brown eyes had that glint in them, the one Steph is a master of giving. I was amazed, it was actually working.

I put a small grin on and narrow my eyes a little bit, trying for the sexy look, "I know how you can pay me back," I say, lowering my voice, then step a bit closer and take a folded piece of paper (Kinsy had wrote my name and number on it in the truck earlier) and put it under her spaghetti strap. "Give me a call sometime." I say and walk away.

They were already waiting for me in my truck. I started it and drove off before speaking. "I can't believe it actually worked!!" I squealed "I mean, I might actually be able to pull this off!"

"Don't squeal!" Steph scolded but I was to happy to care.

"I'm going to meet Aiden O'Brien! Actually in person! I might even be able to be his friend! This is the best day ever!" I'm floating on cloud 9 when Kinsy said something that brought me down to earth.

"What are we going to do about your special friend? You can't really leave pads in the trashcan and you don't like tampons." She said it as though it was nothing and I started freaking out inside. She's right, I hate tampons. Becca makes fun of me, she says I'll never be able to have sex and I'm worried about that too but right now I have to get used to tampons. It's just that're so uncomfortable.

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