Chapter 17: Lies and The turth

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The ride to C Ford College felt a lot shorter than usually.... Maybe because Lucas almost got us killed twice because of how fast he was going.

I let out a sigh of relief as we got out the car.

"See yah later Jade." I wave my hand at Jade who wave back as she ran towards her friends.

Lucas and I fastened up our paste as we walk to the Lecture theatre hall. We had ICT now and because the class was big we had to use the the Lecture theatre. We heard taking as we enter using the back door, the Lecture had already started lecturing and ignored when we both entered, to avoid further distraction we sat in the back. Luckily their was two seats but I couldn't talk to Lucas for we were in seated away from each other.


"Hey Luca—"

"Mr. O'Neil." I was cut off by a different voice calling.

We both turn around.

"May I have a word with you." the lecture said, "In my office."

Lucas turn to me and spoke, "I'll meet you in class."

'Lucas I wanted to talk to you.' Before I could say those words, Lucas kissed me on the cheek and ran off.

Sigh the look at the bracelet "Is it me or they don't want me to asked about you?"

I then walk to the cafeteria.

"Hey Luna!" I heard jade shouting out to me.

"Oh.." I walk over to her

"Where's Lucas?" She asked.

I rest the tray down and took a seat, "A teacher wanted to see Lucas, by the look on his face it looked like it's going to be a serious talk." I said.

"Hmm.. " Was all she said before returning to her book.


As I eat my lunch I look at jade who was still reading, "Hey jade do you know anything about a sigil?"

"Yeah.. But not much..."

"Do you believe in it?" I asked.

She look up at me then back at her book, "Well there was a time when I never used to believe in them not even in vampires,"

I listen as she continued keeping her eyes lock in her book, "after turning into a vampire and getting accepted in the O'Neil household, that's when my doubts went away, for someone in that family could of do aunt Anabelle O—."  She cut herself short.

My eyes widened, 'Spencer had mention her name when talking to me, could it be the same person.'

Jade up look at me then spoke, "Forget what I just said...I have to go am going to be late for class." She close her book.

It could of easily be seen that she didn't want to talk anymore about the topic although I had a lot of questions I stayed quite and continue to eat my lunch.


'I haven't seen Lucas since lunch.. I wonder if everything okay?' I through to  myself as I walk in the lecture theater.

Some of us were having the last class of the day which was Literature for two hours, I took a seat in the back and pulled out my notebook. We were doing Shakespeare, 'Midnight Summer Dream.'

I slightly nod off and was woken up by the opening of the door.. I looked up at the time,  my eyes widened for an hour had already passed. I glance behind to see Lucas walking in.

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