Chapter 9

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Ally POV

   Day five without Camila and Lauren, and we all knew we were falling apart. We haven't had a proper conversation in days and I wasn't ready to even start one. There was no point of us even trying to bond - we have too many worries on our plate. I prayed every single day for God to bring back Camila and Lauren - this helped me to keep sane.  

   We haven't heard anything from Strike but I trusted him in finding Lauren and Camila. Dinah did tell us that a very good private investigation company had personally requested that we should ask for Strike's help.

   We told the others (Lauren and Camila's family) about Strike and they trusted him too. Just like Dinah had repeated over a hundred times, the police were practically doing nothing to help us but Strike was willing to help. He had already called Dinah this morning to say he found an eyewitness who he was sure saw Lauren before she disappeared from view, but didn't tell us who. Who was this eyewitness?

Cormoran Strike

   Jake Bolton kept running through his head as he stood outside the boy's house, waiting for the right moment to speak to him. He didn't know who was in the house or when Jake was going to come out but he stayed put. 

   Even though Lopez had warned that this Jake was going to keep quiet, Strike had other ways of getting the word out of him. He had the proof for fuck's sake - the videos Lopez had given him the day before had helped him discover that Jake was a prime suspect in the disappearance of Lauren and Camila. He did want to go over there and show that Jake who's boss just after he left Lopez's office but that would be unreasonable - Strike always had a proper reason behind his crimes. 

   Jake finally left the house, walking with headphones, head bowed down. Strike grinned, eyeing the boy he had seen in the footages. Just five days ago, Lauren had come to this very house before leaving. And just five days ago, Camila had met them near a park, not too far from here. And who was among them? Jake Bolton. 

   Walking just some few paces behind him, shades covering his eyes and a bowler hat for his head, Strike kept a firm eye on the boy as he carried on walking. Jake, kept looking back each time, suspicion crossing his mind. He glanced back at Strike, eyeing his shades before turning away. Jake recognised a lot of people in his neighbourhood and never had he come across a man who wore a trench coat in weather like this. And he's never seen this man before. Probably visiting family, he thought, taking one last look at Strike before turning a corner into an alley way. 

   Lauren had left Jake a voicemail saying that she was going to call him at two, her usual message to inform him to leave his house and to be alone when she spoke to him on the phone so that noboy could hear their conversation.

Jake POV

   "Hey Lauren! I'm so happy to hear from you. How's everything?" I asked. 

"Fine, you?" she answered. 

"Yeah same. How's Camila?" 

"She's good. Did the police bother you again?" she asked. I shook my head. 

"Nope and I'm happy about that." I said cheerfully. Laurne did a sigh of relief. 

"Good, the least I need right now is to be annoyed by some nosy officer." I chuckled. 

"Don't worry, no one's gonna bother me. The police work by the law so legally they can't force me." I told her. 'What are you doing today?' 

"Me and Camz are going to explore. Probably going to go to the market and gonna jet skii afterwards maybe. I don't know, we're just gonna be tourists, just like you said." 

Anything Is Possible (A Sequel to "The End of Fifth Harmony Camren Fan Fiction")Where stories live. Discover now