Chapter Four-"Well Lanter, it's time to start Mission Get Cool"~Part One

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I crossed my arms, "Fine, what you need to learn?"

"Trig," Sean replied with a frown.

"So tan equals to sin over cos? Sean asked.

I nodded. Finally he understood! I ran my hand through my hair and smiled at the answers in Sean’s book before slumping down in my seat. God was I boring or what? Tutoring Math’s to some hot boy on a Saturday morning and then probably going to watch some crime shows before mum got back from work and then maybe order Chinese food for dinner, then call Juliet and sleep. Yup, my life was really boring.

"I’m done and now it’s my turn," Sean spoke suddenly.

"Turn for what?" I asked, my eyes narrowing up at him.

"Lanter, the deal was I get tutored and you get featured in the paper," Sean said, "so we’re going to get rid of that crap you call glasses and take you to your first party."

I spluttered, "I’ve been to parties before!"

Sean raised a dark eyebrow, "Yeah right, when you were five?"

"No," I muttered, feeling my cheeks heating up.

Sean shook his head as a chuckle left his lips. He grabbed into the backpack he brought with him and pulled out his camera, oh God, not that thing again. The flash made everything go blurry and no matter how much I tried, I was never ready for photos. He stared at me for a minute then smirked before speaking.

"Smile for the camera Lanter."

"So you’ve used glasses all your life?" the optometrist asked.

I nodded, "Yup."

The optometrist, Dr Stone was tall and wore glasses of her own which unlike mine looked a lot more sophisticated than my geeky ones. I sat in her office, unfortunately next to the Sex God, Sean, which made me feel even more nervous than I should have been feeling. I was making a point of looking at the doctor, so that I wouldn’t have to notice Sean’s permanent smirk, but no matter how hard I was trying, I couldn’t help it.

"Okay, come with me and we’ll get your eyes tested," Dr Stone answered with a friendly smile and led me into another room.

She made me sit in this white leather chair which reminded me of a horror story I remember reading about, where this dentist pulled out kids’ teeth and collected them in glass jars and then afterwards he would devour the kids’ whole and send their bones back to the families. God, I really am insane.

"Alright, so I’m going to scan your eyes and then we’ll develop contact lenses for you," Dr Stone instructed me.

I sat patiently in the chair, trying very hard not to just bolt out of the room as the huge machine was placed onto my face a bright light scan my eyes. After what felt like an eternity, Dr Stone returned and led me back into her office where Sean sat reading through one of the magazines that were on the table nearby.

He glanced up at me, "Finally Lanter, I thought you were being murdered or something."

I frowned at him, "Gee thanks."

"Not a problem," he answered with a grin.

Dr Stone entered her office and smiled at me, "Vivienne, your contacts are ready. Here they are, come and put them on."

I walked up to the doctor and after a few failed attempts, the contacts were finally slipped onto my eyes. I must admit that it felt weird to have my glasses off and still being able to see, what was weirder was that Sean was giving me this funny look that I’ve seen boys giving Jessica. In a strange moment, I instantly felt prettier than ever and that maybe, just maybe that I wasn’t going to be staying a geek for long.

"Vivienne, you’re going to steal that crown from Jessica," Juliet beamed at me, as we sat on my bed.

I sighed, "Jules, I am not going to steal any crown from anyone, especially not Jessica."

Juliet gave me a look that said otherwise, "Girl have you seen yourself in the mirror?"

I turned to stare at my reflection in the mirror. My hair was open, and hanging past my shoulders in messy yet sexy waves. My lips were dark with cherry red lipstick that Juliet had given me. I was wearing a tight gold dress that fit my body nicely, ending just above my knees. My eyes were the best part of my face, they were so big and different compared to when I used my glasses. Juliet had outlined them with dark eyeliner and smudged gold eyeshadow onto the lids of each of them.

I looked good.

"Yes," I answered, "but I mean Jessica has so much more than I do."

Juliet rolled her green eyes at me, "Viv, after this party with little British Sex God, you are going to become the most popular girl in school."

The doorbell rang signalling that it was time to go. I followed Juliet as she ran to the front door and swung it open, revealing Amanda clinging onto Sean’s arm like she was going to faint at any moment. She was pretty as ever, her hair tied up into a loose ponytail, but done so elegantly that it looked that she was going to step into a fashion shoot. Her dress was shorter than mine, if that was possible and black, matching her jewellery.

She beamed as she spotted me, "Oh my God, Vivienne, you look so good!"

"I know right," Juliet added.

Sean just stared at me silently before he cleared his throat, "Well Lanter, it’s time to start Mission Get Cool."

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