Prologue: New Student

Start from the beginning

'Lies...' I cursed to myself.
"Oi Cripple!" I heard a Scottish accent. Footsteps coming in fast. I turned to see a green hair student coming towards me with a fist in the air engulf with a green grizzly bear.

    'Oh, what the fu- OH SHIT!' I ducked down as he threw his punch, barely dodging his attack.

I then stood up straight and see him grabbing me by the collar and pinning to the wall.

"Hold still would ye!" One of his hand let go of my collar and threw a punch towards my face.

As the fist connected, I immediately saw stars. His punch was dense, almost like getting hit with a grizzly bear.

My eyes dimly look up to his, as he was about to throw a punch again. Right before the punch connect, a mysterious black figure pushed the attacker off of me and stood between him and myself.

"Of course John would stand up to a Cripple!"

    'John?!' I looked up and see him and his stupid gelled hair, facing my attacker.

"Ya know Tochann," John smile wearily at him, "there's a reason why it's phrased, 'pick on someone your own size.'
"Heh, of course, you would save him." Tochann spat. His eyes flared as he activates his ability, two green eagle heads engulf his hands as he went to his fighting stance.

I slowly stood up and stand behind of John.

    'If his Grizzly hands were his strength, then...' I charge towards John, 'His Eagles are his speed.'

"John! Move!"

"Woah!" John sidesteps as I put my left arm up to protect my face from Tochann's upcoming blows.

"Raagh!" Tochann releases a barrage of fist towards me. Luckily the damage was lessened due to his ability, and blocking the attack.

"My turn." I murmured as I swiped my left arm to deflect his attacks and give him a solid punch to remember.

I look at Tochann as he fell, then back at John who was walking towards me.

"I would've to handle it." John whine.

"Well you didn't, besides." I smile at him, "You saved me, I saved you."

"Yeah true, anyway your left side is bruised up when you blocked that attack. You should check that out." John look

"Naaaah, I'm fine- Ow!" Aoi shrugged, causing him to wince in pain. "Okay, maybe I should..."

"Heh, good luck with the Doctor Darren." John chuckle, "Once he realizes he has to deal with two patients, it'll be the end for us."

"Oh please, how bad can it be?" I laugh, ignoring his warnings.


It was that bad.

Red glowing eyes, pour onto me with sheer hatred. His own glowing eyes, just looking at me as I whimper in fear

"U-Uh, D-doc?" I stammer.

"DON'T!" His voice boomed the infirmary, before calming down his ability. He walks over to his desk and poured some liquid into a paper cup before coming to me. "Drink this."

I reluctantly took the cup and look at the liquid, "So, doc. I'm not sure if you're trying to poison me-"

"DRINK IT!" Darren activates his ability and glared.

'Oh shit.' I downed the liquid, and suddenly I felt a slight relief on my left side.

"Oh wow." I look at the cup and back at the blue-haired doctor, "What did you do?"

His response was a simple shrug before looking at John, "And what are you doing here..."

"I-I just escorted him, t-that's all." John put his hands up in defense.

Darren snorted as he deactivates his ability, "Alright, don't cause any trouble, and new kid!" He glared at me, "Stay here..."

    'Jeez, he's still scary without his ability.' I shudder.

"Hey, Aoi."

My eyes turn to John, "Hm?"

"You won't mind if I stay here?" John smile.

"What about class?" I ask with concern in my voice.

"Oh it's fine, I can just get mine online, that or Seraphina can just send us the assignments."

"Seraphina?" My eyebrow arch.

"The school's Ace and Queen, and my best friend, well. Just friends, but we're getting there!" John explain.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait! You manage to befriend a Queen?! The fuck?" I was shocked.

"Long story," John laugh.

I laugh along with him and lay down and look at the ceiling. This is going to be a good year.


Abilities Used:

Name: Darren

Ability: Nightmare

Level: 4.2

Power: ||||

Speed: ||||||

Trick: ||||||||||||

Recovery: ||||||||

Defense: |||||||||


Name: Tochann

Ability: Animal Spirits

Level: 2.0 (Depends on what Animal Spirit he use)

Power: ||||(||||) With Bear Spirit

Speed: ||||(||||||||) With Eagle Spirit

Trick: ||||

Recovery: ||||

Defense: ||||

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