Frederick Chase

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Frederick Chase's POV

Today is the day that my daughter Annabeth is finally coming home. She called me up yesterday to say that she wanted to see us and said she is going to bring a friend with her. Helen was a little on edge when I told her that she was coming over, but is ok with her coming. She is now cooking dinner for us. Bobby and Mathew are so excited to see Annie again. Don't tell her I called her that.

Then there is a knock at the door. I open the door and see Annabeth and a BOY. Her grey eyes still shine, but have a broken glass look to them and has many scars littering her body. The boy had messy jet black hair, sea green eyes with a broken glass look to them, and twice as many scars than Annabeth.

The boy says " Mr. Chase, we've met before I am Percy Jackson."

"Yes, I remember you now and come in." I said.

When they came in, Bobby and Mathew ran over to Annabeth and hugged her. She smiled and hugged them back. Helen walked over to Annabeth, hugged her and said she was sorry for all she had done. She tells them dinner is ready and to sit down at the table.

As we are eating, I ask Percy

"How long have you known Annabeth for."

He replied, "Since we were 12."

I knocked my fork on floor by accident and when I went to pick it up from under the table. What I saw shocked me. Percy and Annabeth were holding hands. I dismissed it seeing that there is nothing wars going on between themm

------Time Skip--------

In the middle of th night, I hear Annabeth screaming. I run to her room, pushing Percy out of the way. I try to calm her down, but end up getting punched in the face. I stumbled backwards and Percy runs by me and cradles Annabeth in his arms.

I hear him repeat these words to calm her down " Hey, it's ok we are out and alive."

When Annabeth opened her eyes, Percy kissed her on the lips. I was in shock. It's time to be a good father for Annabeth.

I said " Annabeth a word," and jester towards the hallway.

She follows me out and asks " What do you need to know."

" This boy is no good for you, Annabeth. That boy is a dumb, trouble making player. He is going to hold you back in life and leave you when you need him most." I state.

She glares at me and says " Percy is not like that. He is loyal, funny, and would never hurt me. He went through hell for me."

" No has survived hell. I am your father and I demand that you break up with him right now."

Annabeth walks away grabs Percy and their stuff and storms out of the house.  I just lost my daughter to that player Percy.

500 words that is short. Hope you guys like. Please comment on this story and what needs fixing All chacters belong to Rick Rodioan. Till next time.

----------Sarah Out----------

Mortals Meet PercabethDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora