McKenzie Starr 10 year reunion

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McKenzie's P.O.V.

It's finally here the ten year reunion. I am McKenzie Starr if you don't already know and I am 28n I still look the same but way hotter. (A.N. I don't feel like describing her) I am model/actress but I have only been in one movie so far but it still counts.

Anyway I am here to get my man, Percy Jackson, there is no way that his relationship with Annabitch lasted that long after high school. When he sees me he will ask to marry me and we will live happily ever after.

There he is holding hands with a 9 year old girl with black hair and grey eyes and is holding a 2 year old boy with blond hair and green eyes. Aww he adopted  two kids because he didn't want me to have to carry our child.

Just as I was about to walk over to him, that Annabitch walked over to him holding hands with a 9 year old boy with blond hair and grey eyes  and carring a girl with black hair and green eyes. Then I knew that those children were theirs and I knew I could not break them up.

201 words. Sorry guys for the short chapter please don't get mad. As said before all rights reserved for these characters go to good ol' Uncle Rick. Till next time

-----------Sarah out---------------

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