He thought about his current destination, and the dinner he had silently witnessed from the hall, though he had been told no less than a hundred times by Ellie to be home late. He couldn't help it, he was curious, and as he thought back, maybe even Ellie had more in common with him than he thought.

He stopped at the signal and tried to rub the sleep of his face. He had stayed awake till she came, and when she had, she thought he was sleeping. But he was awake, and stayed that way as he watched her pace her room, sit and stare into space and finally pop a few tablets and fall asleep on the couch.
She was gone by the time he woke up.

He pulled up in front of the Pearston house; Ellie opened the door and both mirrored their expression of suprise. According to the note she left and the message he sent as a reply, both of course lies, on their plans for today, they were supposed to be in work.

"Hey." He said, "I just needed to grab a file."

"Oh. Right," she moved out of the doorway giving space, and brainstorming a reason to be in the house.

He ran up the stairs, wondering whether she figured he was lying and also wondering why she was home in the first place when she had written that she had an important meeting today. 

It was due to this busy mind and searching eyes for her, that as he descended the stairs he didn't notice the other person in the hall.

"Excuse me?"

Luke shifted his wandering gaze to the man, "Uh, yeah?"

Was he allowed to greet visitors? This wasn't his home.

"I was looking for Elizabeth."

Thank god. "Just a minute. ELLIE!!"

He turned as her footsteps sound on the wooden floor.

"There's a guy for-" he stopped mid sentence as he took in her expression.



"Elizabeth," she corrected.

Luke stepped back, out of their line of sight and towards the main door, he was probably invading their space.

He, however, didn't make it far as he froze hearing the words that tumbled  out of the guy: "I heard you got married."


If the speed with which me and Luke whipped our face towards to each other was not an indicator enough, then our expression definitely was.

Jace turned to Luke and Luke turned to Jace. My eyes swivelled between them.  

"It's him?"

I pursed my lips. How did he even know about the marriage?

"It is him, isn't it."

He turned towards Luke again, this time, expression cold.

"I'm Jace, nice to meet you" he said holding out his hand, not an inch of warmth radiating from his words.

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