Chapter 23: The Documentation

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"Greetings Everyone, My name is Jimmy Neutron and I'm here in front of you with my group mates, Cindy Vortex, Sheen Estevez, Carl Wheezer and Libby Folfax to present to you our documentation project." Jimmy said "Our project is about how we found the lost tomb of Hasabataslapya, what happened in there when we found it and also of course about the queen itself" Cindy said "So you see, Sheen here searched a document which turned out into, I can't say nothing but all I can say about it is he's not good at searching files 'cause the first thing he have searched is about, and I quote 'The Grass'" Libby said while rolling her eyes at Sheen "Well, if you want to know and learn what else is about the tomb, you can watch the video" Carl said "This is really a fun and exciting video of our re-en  what do you call that? Uhmm... Oh well, Just watch" Sheen said and returned to his seat. Jimmy inserted his Thumb Drive on the Computer that is connected to a projector and clicked on the file. The rest of the group returned to their seat. "Enjoy" Jimmy said.


Jimmy's Face appeared on the screen "Not too Close sheen!" Jimmy said and Sheen stepped backwards "Sorry" Sheen said. Jimmy is standing on the dessert of Egypt with the hovercraft behind him and Goddard on his side. "Hey guys, we're the Group 1, My name is Jimmy Neutron and I'm here with Cindy, Libby, Sheen and Carl. (Points the camera to Cindy then Libby then Sheen turned the camera and made a funny face then to carl. They all smiled and waved then back to Jimmy) We'll be re-enacting on how we came to accidentally find the lost tomb of Hasabataslapya. Also, some explanations. Hope you enjoy" Jimmy introduced.


Narrator Cindy (Voice only): One Day at school, Ms.Fowl let her students watch Part 1 of Ken Burns Boring 97 hour documentary on the history of mummies. Everyone started falling asleep except for the 3 students Cindy, Jimmy and Libby. It's kind of funny that Ms.Fowl fell asleep as well, she's the one who let them watch it.

Narrator Libby (Voice Only): Anyway, at that time a certain big headed genius became so bored he decided to ask his friends to a quick trip to Egypt, which isn't really quick.

Narrator Sheen (Voice Only): At first The blonde Callie (Whispers to Libby: Am I right libs? Libby Responded in a whisper 'Yes just continue. Jimmy, Cindy and Libby simultaneously slapped their forehead while watching the video or listening to the audio) Okay, So at First the Blonde Callie didn't agree but realized that its really boring so she agreed and so does the rest. Sheen, That's me, And Carl woke up from their slumber when they heard Jimmy asked them for a quick trip to Egypt. Sheen is actually dreaming about- (Sheen!! Jimmy hissed) Okay, sorry. Your turn Carl

Narrator Carl (Voice Only): Oh okay. The Gang headed out the door quietly. Jimmy told everyone to meet him at the back of the school while he go get the hover car. Carl, which is me, got nervous because what if they get caught. Sheen said they won't but they actually bumped into Principal Willoughby on the way. Carl actually slipped that thy are going to Egypt but Sheen quickly saved them by saying they're going to the School Tanning Salon which doesn't really exist but he actually fell for it.

Narrator Jimmy (Voice Only): Cindy, Libby, Sheen and Carl met Jimmy at the back successfully and they get inside the hover car. Libby boasted about being related to Cleo Patra which Cindy responded with (Cindy's Voice 'No, Why do you tell us for the 10 millionth times). Then Sheen said that he's related to the guy who invented baseball which amused everyone yet it was a mistaken information, he said he meant spray on eyebrows. So they went light speed to Egypt.


Jimmy(Voice Over): The re-enacting begins.

*The hover car landed on the dessert on Egypt and everyone jumped out of it.

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