Chapter 1: The Project

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Jimmy and the gang are at school lisstening to another yet Ms. Fowl's Foul teaching. They're getting pretty bored if it wasn't for Ms. Fowl's annoying squak they would be in deep slumber already.  "Okay claass!!  I want you to make a report documentation about (Squak)  something that is very interesting like the forgotten legend of sleeping beauty (squak)  I'll assign you in group's of 5. Well,  as always Jimmy,  Cindy,  Libby,  Sheen and Carl will be group 1. Nick,  Brittany,  Butch, Emily and Bolbie will be Group  ..." And the list continue.  "Due date will be Next Week Friday... So class is mow suspended today (squak)  and I'll see you next weeek! " Ms. Fowl said and the class cheered and walk out of the room.  "So what are we going to do with our documentation? " Libby asked "I don't know, Let's search first on the internet, Sheen your assigned to it. Well I can't believe I assigned him but hey at least he can do some help" Cindy said "Okay! i'm on it! " Sheen responded "Well,  since we don't have class'this whole week we can do whatever we want today..  I can't believe Ms. Fowl suspended the class today. It's monday but at least we get to skip her a little boring classes.. And We Have 1 week and 1 day to finish our documentation" Jimmy said "A little?!!  it's super Boring!! " Sheen yelled "I agree with sheen for once Jimmy" Carl said, "Yeah!! " Sheen yelled. "Well,  we better start packing and Sheen you better search a very amazing and not impossible to do documentation, I mean article.  We're going tonight. So we can still do whatever we like this morning, You can pack after. I'll bring my hover car. Cindy bring your Camera and all of us needs to bring flashlight, clothes and some food and drink.  And just pack light " Jimmy said "And since this is a GROUP DOCUMENTATION Project I have the rights to say we wear cute slash cool for guys outfit" Libby said "Alright" Jimmy said and Rolled his eyes "I saw that" Libby said "Oh sorry" Jimmy said and they walk out the building and head their way home.

Haunted Mansion: The Adventures Of jimmy Neutron: Teen GeniusWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu