Chapter 10: Argument

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Hey guys!  I'm going to try make this book longer. 😍 And make this end up to chapter 30. Hope you'll like everything and have a good night.
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"Uhmm..I didn't tend to get blown away.. I mean to do that" Jimmy said "Yeah..  Me-me too I was caught up... In the moment" Cindy replied. "Okay!  Now they're awkward" Sheen said "So uh?  How long was I out? " Cindy asked "10 minutes" Jimmy replied "Oh okay" Cindy replied "Uhm Cindy" Jimmy said "Yes? " Cindy asked "What are you doing upstairs and how the heck did you do telepathy? " Jimmy asked curiously "Telepathy? " Cindy asked confused.  "We we're asleep then we heard you scream and call us. We realized it was your thoughts" Jimmy said "Yeah and it was cool!!  😎 " Sheen said excitedly. "You should've been here" He added aiming the camera at his face. "Oh uh... I don't know.  But maybe its because of my gift.  Probably it unlocked a power in order to save me from getting harmed by the black women or lady" Cindy responded.  "Black Lady? " Jimmy asked "Yeah.  Its stated in the article.  Sheen read it. And yah I enecountered her earlier" Cindy said.  "But how dod you ended up upstairs in that room? "Jimmy asked "Yeah girl. How?  We're just curiuos " Libby said.  "Well,  while I'm sleeping.  I begun having a nightmare about the Black Lady possessing me again and about the other crying lady.  I can tell they're different.  But I knew that the other black lady was evil as well.  She's wearing black like the one who entered my body. I don't know why she keeps on saying I'm hers even though I'm not and never will. Then I woke up sweating and had the urge to go to the bathroom to pee and then After I went I washed my hands I then heard the crying.  I tried to close my ability but it won't close. I really felt someone's watching me and then the door knob twisted open and then I saw foot prints.  I don't know why but I followed it. " Cindy said "You insane girl?!! Why would you even follow it?! " Libby said "I don't know like I said.  Then It leads to the door where I heard the crying and where I communicated with the first ghost and then the door slammed shot an dhte lights flickered on and off and I. Panicked and then the black lady appeared.  She said hse wanted me to stay here and live for one hundred years but I said humans can't survive that kong that's all I can say even though I'm supposed to say that there are some but only a few. She keeps on forcing me to stay every time the lights flicker she keeps on inching forward until she grabbed me chiking me saying I have to die! i don't understand first she wanted me to live a hundred years then suddenly she wanted me to die.  Well,  I wasn't exactly listening because I keep my focus on the door. It won't budge. She said that no one can open it because its powered shut. That's all I can remember" Cindy said.  "Interesting" Sheen said "I wanna try that! " He added "That's so creepy Cindy" Carl said "Yeah girl. But why didn't you just woke me up so I can go wkth yah? " Libby asked "Your sleeping peacefully I don't wanna disturb you" Cindy explained "Aww thanks girl" Libby said "No problem libs. " Cindy replied. "Don't worry got that on camera too" Sheen said "Sheen can you at least give the camera a break? " Cindy asked "Just at least turn it off for like FOREVER!!  Your bothering the ghosts and its not even fun" Cindy said realizing and thinking thag its probably the reason why the ghosts won't stop disturbing her or maybe not.  But just to be sure. "Yes it is! " Sheen said "No its not! " Cindy argued "Yes it is!" Sheen argued "No its not! " Cindy yelled "Guys quit it!! " Carl yelled "Fighting tear us apart" Carl added shyly.  "Jimmy your awfully quiet what gives? " Sheen asked "Nothing just thinking" Jimmy said "About what?  Libby asked. "Well about how I can break the news to Cindy without being harsh" Jimmy said looking at Cindy "Just say it! Your always harsh anyway" Libby said "Yeah Neutron" Cindy said kind of had a hint of what he was going to say.  "Well,  I am thinking that maybe when the rain stops we can go back to the hover car.  Don't worry I got gps system at my watch then go,  we go...  Straight to a doctor so that we can have you check" Jimmy said "No!  We're not and I'm telling you I'm not insane. I don't have mental issues!!" Cindy screamed "Look i'm just concerned about-" Jimmy started "CONCERNED?  CONCERNED?!!  YOU THINK I'M INSANE! ! YOU DON'T EVEN BELIEVE WHAT I'M TRYING TO SAY.  YOU THINK YOU'RE ALWAYS RIGHT!!  LET ME BREAK THE NEWS TO YOU NERDTRON YOUR NOT AKWAYS RIGHT??? " Cindy scremed "OH YEAH VORTEX?!  I'M THE GENIUS HERE AND YOUR JUST A NORMAL GIRL WHO IS SMART BUT PSYCHO.  TELL ME WHO'S SMARTER?  GHOSTS ARE NOT REAL! THEY'RE JUST MADE UP STORIES TO SCARE PEOPLE!!" Jimmy yelled "WEL YOUR WRONG ABOUT THE PHANTOM!! " Cindy argued "NEED I REMINED YOU THAT I FIGURED OUT THEY'RE MY PARENT!!" Jimmy argued back "NEED I ALSO REMIND YOU THAT THEY RUN OFF SCREAMING AS WELL BECAUSE THEY SAW THE REAL PHANTOM!! " Cindy yelled "NEED I TELL YOU THAT THAT'S PROBABLY ONE OF YOUR PARENTS AS WELL BECAUSE WE SNUCK OUT!! " Jimmy said "JUST SHUT UP NEUTRON!! " Cindy yelled "SHUT UP?!  ME?!  YOU STARTED THE ARGUMENT!  I'M THE ONE YOU ALWAYS BLAME!  GOSH VORTEX,  I'M JUST TRYING TO HELP!!  YOU KILLED YOUR AUNT NOT BECAUSE YOUR POSSESED BUT BECAUSE YOUR INSANE THOSE THINGS THE FLOATING!! THEY'RE JUST MADE UP OR PROBABLY TO CIVER UP YOUR MUSTAKES.  IT SEND WAVWS TO YOUR BRAIN THAT MAKES YOU SEE THINGS!! " Jimmy exclaimed "OH I HATE YOU SO MUCH!! " Cindy yelled "WELL I HATE YOU MORE!! " Jimmy yelled "I HATE YOU TO INFINITY!! " Cindy exclaimed "I HATE YOU MORE THAN INFINITY AND FOREVER AND MORE!! " Jimmy yelled "I REALLY SUPER HATE YOU!!  NEVER SPEAK TO ME AGAIN!! " Cindy yelled storming off "Where are you going? " Libby asked "Away from this house and that guy! " Cindy replied stopping to point an accusing finger at Jimmy.  "Fine go kill yourself see if I care!" Jimmy yelled "Fine! " Cindy reponded storming away.  "Oh and GHOSTS ARE REAL!! " She yelked scolding Jimmy "Oh really?  If I call them They'll show themselves?!  fine I won't believe until I see those ghists your talking about. GHOSTS IF YOUR REAL THEN VORTEX IS ALL YOURS!!!  DO YOU HEAR ME?!  DON'T BE A COWARD?!  IF YOUR REAL THEN DON'T HIDE YOURSELVES YOU NEED TO AT LEAST MAKE US FEEL YOUR PRESENCE!! " Jimmy yelled which earned a gasped from everyone "Jimmy how could you?! " Libby said "Yeah!  i didn't give Cindy and your giving her you fool!! " Sheen said which shocked evrybody. Tears started forming in Cindy's eyes. "Cindy look I was just frustrated an di I didn't meaneverythhing I said" Jimmy said then suddenly the. Lights flickered in and off "Its too late. You gave me to them" Cindy cried falling to her knees and the lights shut off including their flashlights"Aww man now I really can't see a thing!! " Sheen yelled.

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