17. In His Place

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It was late afternoon and Bellamy was off for the day. He'd washed and changed and was off looking for Clarke, who he hoped would also be available.

Sure enough, he saw her sitting at the edge of camp by a fire with the lanky kid, Aaron or something. Bellamy hesitated a moment then realised he was beging foolish and hurried over.

He caught Clarke from behind and lifted her up, spinning her around. She screamed and then started giggling. He set her down and she hit him in the chest but his whole body relaxed as he saw her eyes brighten and her expression grow lighter at seeing him.

"Don't do that!" She laughed.

"Come on, wanna get out of here?" He grinned, taking her arm. He began pulling her towards the fence when she stopped him and drew back. He turned and Clarke glanced at Aaron who was watching them both curiously.

"I shouldn't just leave Aaron" she said and Bellamy felt anger bubbling in his gut but then Aaron stood and shook his head.

"No really, you guys go, I'm beat anyway."

Clarke looked sorry but just smiled at him and Bellamy's anger turned to guilt.

"Thanks for everything today Clarke. You're a great teacher." Aaron said before walking off.

Bellamy wasted no more time, and, taking Clarke again by the hand pulled her to the fence. Clarke, though seemingly sad at having sent Aaron away, lightened in heart once more and they ran laughing to the beach.

Clarke kicked off her shoes and flopped down into the sand. Bellamy fell down beside her and kissed her cheek. She shied away and looked down, her hair covering her face.

Bellamy peeled it back and she glanced up at him. His heart was racing. He had really missed her. It hit him hard then.

"Kane's been walking around like he owns the place." Bellamy sighed and Clarke nodded, looking down again and drawing her knees to her chin.

"He's acting like we did nothing, when we built the camp! We kept people alive." Clarke sighed.

"It's been hell. People are practically rioting."

Clarke glanced at him in shock and he scoffed.

"Has the princess really become such a recluse?" He exclaimed and she rolled her eyes.

"It's my mum! She's just protective..."

"And theres that Aaron guy right..." Bellamy said, as casually as he could.

"Yeah. I'm mentoring him." She said and Bellamy felt a rush of jealousy. It was stupid to feel jealous. He had no claim over her.

Now that he thought about it...what were they? They'd not really discussed it....

"I'm sorry I'm busy all the time" she whispered, probably sensing part of his mood.

"Nah it's fine. Didn't you hear, I'm gonna be a guard!" He smirked and Clarke perked up instantly.

"Really? They are going to let you in?" She exclaimed and he nodded.

"Yup, Miller must be as stubborn as you. Training starts tomorrow." He grinned and Clarke grinned back.

"Then, we'll both be busy" he sighed, twisting his finger through a strand of her hair.

Clarke bit her lip and looked down. "My mother...doesn't approve of you, you know" she said slowly and Bellamy frowned.

"What do you mean? You been tellin her about me?"

"No! I never got the chance....she...she thinks you're a criminal." Clarke said and Bellamy leaned closer.

"I am" he grinned, and his lips would have brushed hers had she not pulled back slightly.

"You're better than people think you are." Clarke said.

"Is that why you like me then? I'm the secret boyfriend." He whispered.

He said it lightly but when Clarke met his gaze, her expression was serious and she nodded.

"I'd like it better if we werent a secret." She sighed and now Bellamy was the one who prevented their lips from meeting.

"We? And what exactly are we?"

A beeping cut off her reply and she pulled away, standing and showering sand into Bellamy's lap.

He grumbled, "what's that?" He asked regretfully and Clarke swore.

"It's...a pager my mum...I...I'm really sorry Bellamy I have to go."

And with that he was alone on the beach.

He swore and kicked up a cloud of sand with his feet before leaning his hands on his knees, and his head in his hands.

He sat there til dark, thinking yet not thinking all at once. He didn't know what to think.

He missed her when she was gone.

He hated missing her. Depending on people just gets you hurt.

Bellamy trudged back to camp and was heading to his tent when he heard her. He'd recognise that laugh anywhere.

He turned, saw the campers on their hunger strike, protesting for the Council to step down in the background, and he saw, only a few meters from him, Clarke, with Aaron.

They were alone, sat around a fire. He was talking and she was laughing.

Some important thing she had to do.

Bellamy wasn't prepared for the amount of pain it caused him to see her there. It was ridoculous he should feel hurt or offended at her having fun with someone other than himself....but it wasn't that....it was that she'd had the option to return to him because clearly she wasn't busy.

Bellamy spat on the ground and laughed bitterly to himself, rubbing his chin and mouth, smiling humourlessly.

Shaking his head, he walked away. It wasn't worth thinking about.

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