11. Sickness pt.2

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The storm was passing and Bellamy was on clean up duty with several others who had avoided the sickness.

The camp was a little ruined but the damage could have been worse, some of the tents were still standing, others were upside down or ripped.

The day was spent repairing them and putting things back in place. Raven was back at that blasted radio and Clarke was still in the dropship playing doctor.

The ground was wet and muddy but also dotted white. There must have been some snow. Even Bellamy wanted the goddamn Ark down now, because at this rate they'd never survive the winter, food was already growing scarce. They'd been hunting as much as possible but came back with less and less each time.

By sunset the camp was just about sorted and Bellamy was sitting by a fire, warming his icy hands when he saw someone exit the dropship. It was  Mark, he'd been sick. He must have recovered. Overall, people were slowly getting better and Octavia was almost there apparently.

Bellamy thought nothing of it until he heard Mark saying something to a friend. "Yeah i'm feeling better. Clarke's caught it now, she fainted, right in front of me."

Bellamy was up in seconds and was walking to the dropship. Had he heard right?

"Mark! Glad you're feeling better. Where's Clarke?" He asked rather hastily. Why was he so worried? Of course she's ill, she's spent day and night up there with those ill patients and yet, his heart was pounding and his stomach was churning with worry.

"She's upstairs but she's got it, the illness. I wouldn't go up, it's nasty, my throats still hurting, I only just got my voice back."

Bellamy was already walking away. He headed inside, up the ladder and went straight to the 3rd floor.

He looked around, there was still about 10 people lying about the room on the floor. He saw Clarke and felt sick.

"Clarke?" He said, bending down at her side. She opened her eyes and immediately starting to sit up. Bellamy, knowing protesting would do no good, helped her to sit up, making sure she could lean against the wall for support.

She started coughing then and Bellamy looked around frantically for water. He snatched a glass and placed it gently in her hand. She drank and put it down.

"Bellamy I've told you-"

"I know. I shouldn't be in here." Bellamy rolled his eyes and sat down properly, "I heard you were sick." He said quietly and Clarke nodded.

"Yeah, who saw that one coming?" She giggled dryly and Bellamy smiled. It was hard to smile when she looked so ill. Her eyes were red and her lips were dry. Aswell as all that, she looked tired and run down.

"When was the last time you got a full nights sleep?" Bellamy asked and now Clarke rolled her eyes.

"Bellamy I'm fine, now please go away I'll make you ill." She sighed but Bellamy took her hands in his defiantly and shook his head. She let her head fall back but didn't move her hands, "how's the camp looking?" She asked.

"All sorted, everyone's been working on it. Storm's passed." Bellamy said.

"And Raven?"

"Is back at the radio." Bellamy said and Clarke started laughing.

"Stop looking at me like that." Clarke said.

"Like what?"

"Like I'm about to fall apart."

Bellamy re-ajusted his expression because deep down he knew Clarke was strong enough to beat this, but all voice of reason seemed to have left him and he shuffled closer.

"I don't think that." Bellamy said slowly and Clarke smiled.

"You're a good person Bellamy Blake." Clarke said seriously.

"That's the sickness delusion talking." Bellamy scoffed but before he could stop her she had wriggled one of her hands free and was pushing back his hair, her fingers gently brushing the side of his cheek. She ran her fingers slowly through his curls and smiled as if somewhere else. He didn't want her to stop. No one in his life, had ever looked at him, the way Clarke was looking at him in that moment.

"You don't let people see the good in you. You don't even see it within yourself but it's there." She whispered,  her eyelids falling to a close slowly.

"Clarke?" Bellamy whispered urgently, not wanting the moment to end, wanting to hear more of what she had to say.

Her hand fell weakly from his cheek and she coughed dryly, taking a deep shaky breath, "I know", she whispered, "that if you had been here when I fell...you would have caught me..." and with that she was asleep.

Bellamy stayed a while after she had fallen asleep. He couldn't quite bring himself to look away and he felt this burning in his heart, this desire and determination to protect her, no matter what the cost.

He frowned to himself and sighed, rubbing his tired eyes, when he noticed Octavia to his right. She was watching him with a half smile. He'd forgotten she was even there.

He looked from her to Clarke and then to the floor. "Shut up." He said quietly because he knew the way he'd been looking at Clarke...not even friends looked at each other like that, and Octavia knew something was different.

"I didn't say anything." She chuckled innocently and with that, Bellamy got up and left.

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